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In the Mystery Shack, Patrick and his cousins were in the living room watching TV. The twins were on the floor, with Dipper eating popcorn from a bowl and Mabel knitting a new sweater. Their cousin was on the recliner, bored as he watched with them what could possibly be the only good show in Gravity Falls. The show was called Duck-tective and it was about a duck detective with a Sherlock Holmes hat solving mysteries.

"I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir," a Constable in the show said. Mabel reached down to the bowl for some popcorn, but Dipper slapped her hand. "My men have examined the evidence, and this is obviously an accident." The 'accident' of the scene was a man's dead body inside of a telephone booth that the Constable. His limbs sticking out of the booth.

The duck of the show soon stepped into the scene, quacking his lines as subtitles appeared. "An accident, constable? Or is it..." The duck paused, before turning to the viewers in a dramatic way. "Murder?!"

"What?!" The Constable exclaimed in shock, before the title of the show appeared over him.

"Duck-tective will return after these messages," the announcer said.

"Boooo," Patrick booed the TV with a bored expression. "Who writes this stuff?"

However, Mabel dropped her sweater and placed her hands on her cheeks, her eyes sparkling. "That duck is a genius," she gasped.

"Eh, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to the ground," Dipper said.

"Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?" Mabel questioned him with her hands on her hips and squinting doubtfully at her twin.

"Come on, Mabel," Patrick said, turning off the TV, "we're talking about a duck. Just because they're an animal, doesn't make them smart."

"And besides, I have very keen powers of observation," Dipper said with pride. "For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating..." he sniffed the air, before looking at Mabel with a raised eyebrow. "...an entire tube of toothpaste?!"

Patrick looked at Mabel again and this time he noticed she had glittering toothpaste all over her mouth. "Mabel, how many times do I gotta tell you not to do that?"

She looked away in shame and said, "It was so sparkly..."

"Hey, dudes," Soos' voice was heard from outside the living room's doorway. The three looked and saw the employee running in with a broom and excited expression. "You'll never guess what I found," he exclaimed excitedly.

"Buried treasure," Dipper exclaimed, throwing his fists up.

"A time machine," Patrick exclaimed.

"Buried—" Mabel stopped before laughing at Dipper. "Hey, I was gonna say that," she said before pushing him.

Later the three Pines kids were following Soos as he led them down a dark and dusty hallway that they hadn't been through. The wallpaper was torn and peeling, the floorboards were loose in a few places, and there were no lights, other than where they came. Mabel looked scared and held onto Patrick's hand, as he and Dipper looked uneasily around the hall.

"So, I was cleaning up, when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper," Soos said, holding his broom with freight, before stopping. They were now standing in front of the wall that had a doorknob on it, was covered in torn up wallpaper, and slightly opened. "It's crazy bonkers creepy!"

"Soos, we've been here for a good while now," Patrick said, taking out his crowbar from behind his back. "I think we can handle whatever's behind that door."

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