The Society of the Blind Eye

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It was the end of another day in Gravity Falls, and the sun had already gone down. As one of very few eateries in town, Greasy's Diner stayed open rather late into the night to accommodate those offhand insomniac customers. Or people like Veronica, who was sitting at the counter. She had just finished her late dinner and drank a cup of coffee. Work for her agency has been getting more tense lately, and she wasn't able to get out of the office until late. But she was thankful that Lazy Susan was able to stay open for her to have something to eat.

Back in the kitchen, Lazy Susan hummed while sweeping a broom across the floor. She was doing her final tasks before locking for the day, including beating possums out of the dishwasher, and chasing Old Man McGucket out from under one of the tables. After all that, she walked over to Veronica with a smile.

"Any more coffee, dear?" She asked her, being one of the only friends Veronica had.

"No, I'm good," Veronica said, placing the money down on the counter. "Sorry about the dishes."

"Oh, no worries, I'll just clean them tomorrow," said the old waitress. The two women walked out of the diner together, with the waitress locking the restaurant for the night. She then brightly bid Greasy's a farewell as she and Veronica started heading home. "Good night, diner." She did the same again to the surrounding woods. "Good night, trees." She and Veronica continued down the sidewalk, passing by a group of gnomes standing on top of each other, attempting to steal a still-warm pie that was sitting on the diner's windowsill. "Good night, tiny men stealing my pie."

Veronica and Lazy Susan stopped dead in their tracks immediately after she said that. The secret agent turned around with wide eyes, while the waitress let out a shocked gasp as she spun around to face the thieving gnomes.

"Wait, WHAT?!" She screamed, lifting her eyelid.

"Lift with your knee," Jeff commanded his minions, unaware that the two women had caught them. "No, your knees. If I go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna resort to cannibalism." The gnome leader briefly paused when he noticed Veronica and Lazy Susan standing nearby. He casually tipped his hat to them. "Ladies."

Needless to say that seeing the bizarre sight of the gnome was too much for Lazy Susan. She shrieked in fear, which barely got a reaction out of the gnomes as she hurriedly backed away from them. "Little magic men! What does it mean?! What should I do?!"

Veronica quickly grabbed her by her shoulder and stopped her from moving. "Susan! Get back inside, I'll deal with them," she ordered her friend with a stern scowl.

"Shouldn't we call the cops?!"

"No, now do as I say!" Veronica shouted, scaring Susan a little. The waitress ran around the gnomes and hurriedly unlocked the door, before slamming the door behind her. With her out of sight, Veronica turned back to the gnomes and walked over to the little creature. She looked down at Jeff with a disapproving look in her eyes. "Jeff, what the hell are you doing?"

"What? Can't a couple of Gnomes steal a pie that no one's obviously going to eat?" Jeff asked as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

But all it did was irk Veronica some more. Out of all the gnomes in Gravity Falls, she always had trouble keeping Jeff's clan in line most of the time. Grabbing the pie from the windowsill, she handed it to the gnomes before giving them a stern talking. "We had a deal, Jeff. Don't be seen by anyone. If you can't abide by the rules, then you're-"

"AAAAAAAH!!" Veronica was interrupted by the loud screaming of Lazy Susan in the diner.

"Susan!" Veronica pulled out her pistol and rushed back towards the door of the Geasy Diner. Kicking open the door, she raised her gun. It was dark in the diner. But then she looked towards the exit across the room and gasped in shock. Susan had a burlap sack over her head and was being kidnapped by two crimson cloaked figures.

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