The Legend of the Gobblewonker

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It was the start of a bright morning in Gravity Falls, and inside the large house called the Mystery Shack, Patrick was lying on his back on the floor of the kitchen, as Mabel and Dipper were on their knees next to him. Each holding a bottle of syrup.

"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge," Mabel asked her twin brother while holding up a bottle that had a head that looked like William Shakespeare and had the title Sir Syrup on it.

"I'm always ready!" Dipper exclaimed, holding up a bottle that had a Canadian Mountie head, with the title Mountie Man on it.

"And I'm still wondering why you two are using me for this game," said Patrick. He was lying on the floor while facing up towards the ceiling.

"Because we wanted to include you," Mabel said. "And this could only mean one thing."

"Syrup race!" She and Dipper both exclaimed. Seeing that as his cue, Patrick opened his mouth wide. The twins opened their bottles and tilted them back to drip a drop of syrup down to their cousin's mouth.

"Go, Sir Syrup!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Go, Mountie Man!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Go! Go!" The two chanted, as the syrup drops from each bottle slowly came down towards Patrick's mouth.

"Almost... almost..." Mabel tapped the bottom of the bottle, causing the syrup to drip into Patrick. "Yes!" she cheered as Patrick sat up and started coughing a bit. "I won!"

"Yeah," Patrick said with a strained voice, before coughing one more time. He then took a moment to taste the syrup. He nodded his head with an approving expression. "That's not bad."

As Patrick was getting off the floor, Mabel and Dipper got up as well and sat at the table. The male twin then grabbed a newspaper and started reading. Only to find something that caught his interest and excitement. "Ho ho, no way! Hey you guys, check this out," he said, showing the two what he was looking at.

However, Mabel was looking at something else on the other page. "Human-sized hamster balls?" she asked, looking at the ad. She then gasped with realization and got excited. "I'm human-sized!"

Patrick chuckled at her. "Yes," he said, rubbing her head, making her giggle, "yes you are."

"No, no, Mabel. This." Dipper pointed at the thing he was really trying to get them to look at. It was an ad for a photo contest involving monster pictures. And the prize money was 1000 dollars. "We see weirder stuff than that every day! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?"

"Nope, just memories," Mabel said, before holding up a small amount of gray hair. "And this beard hair."

"What the hell?" said Patrick in disgust. "Why did you save that?" She responded with a shrug and an 'I dunno' sound. "Well, it's not like we should actually go looking for any monsters."

"That's because we should let the monsters come to us," Mabel said matter-of-factly. "For if you go looking for a monster, you're not going to find it."

Patrick nodded with a smirk as he sat down at the table. "Right you are."

Just then, Stan walked into the kitchen area with a newspaper in his right hand. "Good morning, knuckleheads," he said to them with a grin. He pointed a finger at them. "You two know what day it is?"

Dipper thought for a moment. "Um... Happy anniversary?"

"Happy... You-Not-Dead Day?" Patrick asked, trying to mess with him too.

"Mazel tov!" Mabel cheered. Stan hit Patrick and Dipper upside the head with the newspaper.

"It's Family Fun Day, geniuses!" Stan said before throwing the newspaper on the table and turning towards the fridge. "We're cuttin' off work and having one of those..." He opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. " know..." He sniffed the milk with his big nose. "...bonding-type deals."

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