Gideon Rises

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In the early afternoon in the remote town of Gravity Falls, all was peaceful. The people were out and about, the birds were singing, and the sun was about to set on the horizon. Suddenly, a dark shadow approached the town. As if an evil that was unable to be stopped had come. It covered the valley, replacing the warm air with a coldness.

The shadow then made its way to the Mystery Shack. Soon, even it was shadowed over.

Suddenly, a wrecking ball cashed into the sign, destroying it as lightning flashed in the sky.

Patrick suddenly woke up, jolted up, and screamed in horror, some sweat rolling down his face from the nightmare he'd just seen. When he calmed down upon realizing that he was in bed, the teenager groaned and rubbed his face. "I just had a horrible dream that Gideon stole the deed to the Mystery Shack, and kicked us out, and... we all had to move in with Soos' grandma?" He said, raising an eyebrow for that last part.

"That was no dream, dude," said Soos, leaning towards him. Half naked and under the same covers as the teenager.

Patrick screamed again, causing everyone in the room to wake up. Stan, Dipper, and Mabel were sleeping in their own sleeping bags on the floor, Soos' grandma was in a chair alongside the couch that was converted into its bed form, where Patrick and Soos were sleeping.

Turned out that the whole Friday the 13th being an unlucky day was correct in the worst way possible. To simplify, Gideon summoned an evil triangle demon named Bill Cipher to go into Stan's mind to steal the deed to the Mystery Shack. Patrick and his friends followed him in and defeated him. But when they did, Gideon attacked again using dynamite. Blowing up the safe and stealing the deed.

Soos' grandma, Abuelita, turned on a lamp on a nightstand that also had a picture of Soos when he was 9. "Shh. Por favor," she said nicely. Having fallen asleep in her recliner. She was an elderly woman, with a somewhat portly frame and stout build, similar to her grandson. She had large, puffy, gray hair, and wore a pair of pale emerald green earrings. She was wearing a magenta dress, a yellow '50s-style cooking apron with a pink heart on it, and a pair of greenhouse slippers.

"Uh, sorry, Abuelita," Patrick said, using her real name.

Mabel got up and walked over to the elderly woman. "Oh, Soos, your grandma is so adorable! And her skin is old lady soft." Mabel squealed and started touching the skin on the elderly woman's face. She laughed this little creepy laugh while still rubbing Abuelita's cheeks. "Haaaahhh!"

"Mabel, quit being creepy!" Stan snapped and pointed to the TV after Abuelita turned it on. "The news is finally on."

On the TV, the Pines watched as reporter Shandra Jimenez was standing in front of the Mystery Shack as a new metal fence was put up, surrounding it. "In a movement that has all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child psychic Gideon Gleeful-" the news changed to show a picture of a winking Gideon surrounded by a litter of playful puppies "-has taken surprise ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to area shyster, Stanford Pines." The TV then showed a picture of Stan in a red devil costume surrounded by fire.

"That picture's taken out of context," Stan said, scratching his back.

"Is it?" Patrick asked.

The news station then turned back to Shandra and now Gideon was standing next to her. "Now that you have the shack, what exactly are you planning to do with it?" asked the reporter to Gideon, before bringing the microphone down for him to talk through it.

"I have a big announcement to make today, and I'd like to cordially invite all the good people of Gravity Falls to join me," the evil little boy said, before putting on a pin that had his face on it. "Free admission to anyone who wears their Gideon pins! It's my face!" He winked at the camera.

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