The Last Laserdisc Player

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In the big city, many miles away from Gravity Falls, there was a back alley, and one of the backdoors of that back alley was to a TV store. All was quiet until explosions started going off from within the building. Suddenly the backdoor busted open as a man in a cloak stumbled out of the building. The sound of gunfire echoing from inside. The man looked around before seeing a van. He ran over to the van and quickly got in. Placing an item in the second seat. He then turned on the engine and slammed down on the acceleration. The van speeded out of the back alley, just as the shooters from inside rushed outside.

The driver drove the van out of town like a bat out of hell. Speeding over the speed limit on the road. So, the buildings were gone, and all that was left was miles and miles of trees.

Suddenly, the man's body jolted when something hit the back of the van. It was a black car that was ramming the van from behind. It then pulled alongside the van, and the windows rolled down. Popping out of the windows were men with various forms of facial hair and various old fashioned haircuts. Armed with MAC-10 SMGs, they were about to open fire on him when the cloaked man rammed the car's side. Sending the black car off the road and then crashing into a tree.

"I can't let them get their hands on this," the man said, placing his hand on the item. "I've got to take it to someplace safe. Somewhere completely off the radar where no one can find it."

He then drove past a sign and continued speeding down the road. Right into the town of Gravity Falls!


It was another day in the Mystery Shack for Patrick and the twins. The three were once again helping out around the shop, stacking boxes in the gift shop before the shack was open. But as of now, Mabel and Patrick were standing back as they watched Dipper struggling to pick up one of the boxes. As Mabel struggled to not laugh at her brother, Patrick had his arms crossed and stared at Dipper. "Dipper...You're going to hurt your back."

Dipper continued to try and lift the box. "No...I'm..." He then tried harder. Making weird noises as he struggled.

Mabel couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing out loud. "Bro, I can't believe you can't even lift one box!"

"Shut your face! I can lift it!" Dipper yelled at her. He then continued struggling with the box, and Mabel just laughed while Patrick tried to hide his amusement, but failed and chuckled.

"You sound like Stan crying!" Mabel said with a big smile. Patrick walked over and sat down on his knees in front of the box. Dipper had finally just decided to give up.

"What's even in this thing?" He asked out loud before opening the flips and looking inside.

There was the usual old junk that one would find. Patrick pushed some of it aside to see if there was something heavy at the bottom. But he stopped when he pulled out something that caught his eyes. When it came out of the junk and displayed itself fully, Patrick looked at it and gasped a long inhale of breath.

"Dude, it's '21-12 Time Attack' director's cut on Laserdisc!" He exclaimed with wide eyes filled with shock.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold on." Dipper walked over to him, holding his hands up for his cousin to stop. "If I know better, I think you just said 'That's 21-12 Time Attack on Laserdisc!'"

Patrick flipped the cover around and showed the front side of the laserdisc. While Mabel looked a little confused, Dipper gasped with just as much as his cousin.

"That's the director's cut. It's incredibly rare!" He exclaimed, smiling a giddy grin.

"Laserdisc? What's a laserdisc?" Mabel asked, confused as to why her family was getting so excited.

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