War of the Holes

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When Patrick woke up the next morning, he was still laying down on the couch. At first, he was wondering why he was there and not in his own bed, until he looked down and smiled. Seeing Wendy still laying on top of him, in his arms as they cuddled. He gently kissed her on the head, to which she smiled and snuggled closer to him. Putting her hands on his chest and nuzzling her face into his neck.

"Goodmorning, beautiful," he whispered in her ears. Wendy moaned and straddled his lap.

"Morning, handsome," she said with half-awake eyes. "You make a surprisingly comfortable bed."

"Is that really a surprise for a boyfriend to help his girlfriend have a goodnight's sleep," Patrick asked with a smirk. She smirked and the two of them locked lips and made out for a moment. Enjoying a moment together in each other's arms. When their lips separated, he patted her leg. "I'll make us some breakfast if you want to use our bathroom to clean yourself up."

"Can't we just stay like this?" Wendy pouted.

"Only if you want to go hungry."

Wendy gave him a playful punch in the shoulder before getting off and heading upstairs. With the biggest smile on his face, Patrick walked over to the kitchen and pulled out everything he'll need to make pancakes. For the first time in what was likely a long time, he was genuinely happy. But he was still troubled by what he and the others went through down in the bunker. But he knew that there was no going back no. They were hot on the trail of the author and they couldn't stop. Once-and if-Soos repairs the computer, they'll be closer to finding the author and unlocking the answers of the town.

"Patrick?" He heard Dipper's voice behind him and looked to see him and Mabel looking at him with confusion. "What're you doing down here? Who's in the shower? Because it ain't Stan."

"Wendy's using the shower," he told them. "Last night she stayed over."

"Aww!" Mabel said with her hands on her cheeks.

"Yeah. By the way, could one of you go out and check the mail?" Patrick said, before flipping some pancakes. Mabel got a big grin on her face before running out of the house. Dipper just shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the living room to wait for breakfast to be ready. After Patrick was finished with the pancakes, Wendy came down, still wearing her usual clothes and waited with Dipper while watching TV. Patrick then came walking in with the pancakes and sat down on the chair with his girlfriend. He threw his arm around her and Wendy snuggled into his side as he started passing out plates with stacks of three to everyone. Dipper ate on the ground, as Wendy opened her mouth for Patrick, who without taking his eyes off the screen, fed her some of the pancakes. Well, almost, some of the syrup got on her face, but she didn't care and licked it up.

Then Stan stepped into the den after smelling the scent of pancakes and saw the two boys and cashier eating together.

"Wendy? What're you doing here? It's your day off," Stan said.

"I'm hanging out with my new boyfriend," Wendy replied, giving Patrick a kiss on the cheek.

Stan's eyes widened a bit. "I see," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Then I guess I'll have to give you that same lesson about the birds and the..."

"Hard pass, Stan," Patrick said. Especially not after what Mabel told him he talked about.

Suddenly the door burst open and Mabel rushed in giddily with a newspaper in hand. "It's here! She proclaimed with delight. Running into the den and screamed. "Aaah! Oh, it's here! It's here, it's here!"

"What's here, Mabel?" Wendy asked curiously.

"This!" Mabel waved around the rolled-up newspaper she was still holding. "I've been waiting all morning and it's finally here! The Gravity Falls Gossiper accepted my article about summer fashion tips for squirrels. My picture is gonna be in the newspaper! Check it!" She proudly showed everyone a view of the front page newspaper. Everyone looked at it as Stan read out the headline.

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