Chapter III - Who is Darylle?

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations



Akiriana's POV

The Rally in Ilocos Sur just ended and we're already on the road to go back to Norte. I miss my bed already. At miss ko na sya... yung unan ko.

We're in the car way home. When I feel a sleep. Sino ba naman hindi mapapagod. Eh halos kalahating araw akong andun.

I was sleeping soundly so is everyone else. But my phone rang. Jusko bakit ngayon pa. Pagod-na pagod na ako.

My phone rang i saw Darylle's name. Darylle is my..... my friend. Boy best friend back in UK. I never felt anything over him. But he was sweet and protective over me. By the way his full name is Darylle Kace Harrison Guarez

I answered his call and and Bluetooth our call through my AirPods.

Hey! Why did you call? I whispered because i don't want to get caught talking to a boy. And I'm sure I'll get teased around if ever they caught me. At di nila alam na friend ko si Darylle

Why are you whispering? Are you ok? He asked worriedly. And his Background is a crowded place. Where is this guy?

Yes I'm ok. I'm whispering because I'm in a car with Tita Manang, Tito Bonget, With the Marcos Brothers and Manotoc Brothers and add lola and tita Liza. I explained and he nodded

And were in earth are you? It seems to me that it's crowded there in UK. I added and he showed his background. Wait his in a airport?

Ah. Yes it's quite crowded here in Laoag International Airport. He mentioned and my eyes widened when i heard his in Ilocos. What is he doing Here? He has no family members here. Because his from Batangas, but lives in Manila.

Why are you here? Aren't you from Batangas? I said and questioned him.

Well I'm here to visit you. And i have a project here in Ilocos Norte why not visit you from time to time. He said and walked through the Luggage Area. He's a Engineer and a businessman.

Ah that's nice. Do you have a ride? I asked. I'm willing to pick him up since Batac to Laoag is only 30-40 minutes drive and quite early pa naman.

Um will you? My treat na yung gas. Para fair. And I'm staying in Batac for the rest of the trip. He said and I laughed when he said "he's in-charge with the gas. It's quite expensive rin now a days"

Sure I'll pick you up. Willing to wait? We just entered our Gate pa sa house. Give me a hour? I said and he agreed din naman. And he said that it will take some time pa for him to be outside the airport. He has some paperwork to do pa naman daw for the airlines. To be honest i have no clue what will he do with the airlines.

I ended the call and looked and we are already in the Drive way so i went down na and Mom and Dad greeted me with a Hug.

You were so nice anak. And you delivered your speech perfectly. They both said and walked towards the backyard since the food is not ready yet. Hapon palang kasi.

We are all currently in the backyard. Chit-chatting when dad opened up a topic about me.

Anak Yna. Do you still have plans to date or get married? He asked

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