Chapter XIII - Hospital

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

Happy May 1st

And the story's Downfalls, Tragedies, and Twists starts now......

- Author

Irene's POV

I was in my Company here in Ilocos Norte so is Greggy but his in field duty checking on lands in Ilocos where we can Build our next Franchise. It was a busy day for me and for greggy. We left Akiriana home since she's sleeping but we left her food naman and there maids to help her around stuff.

After a few minutes the maids informed us that she left for something using her car. I didn't bother to call her because i know she'll be fine because the possibility of her going to her Grandfather's Grave is big rather than going to the mall or something that involves publicity especially she's with no one but her self.

So i just focused on work.


A few Hours past and Greggy is back from his Checking land amd he has good news that he liked a Land he just needs my blessing for him to buy it.

But then....

Vinny called me, surprisingly. I didn't what to answer the call because i have a bad feeling about it. I just looked at my phone ringing and starting at Vinny's name on my phone. It feels like my tears are building up in my eyes and my chest became heavy, my heartbeat became faster and I don't know why. I bit my lips to stop my tears from falling. The feeling of loosing dad just came back, all the pain and suffering it all came back. Why do i feel like I'm loosing someone again? What is this feeling? C'mon Irene si Vinny lang yan, his probably asking if we can have dinner at there house.

Hon, answer your call, it could be important. Greggy said while looking at him self in the mirror while fixing his tie. I didn't respond and just gave him a look of sadness, he immediately stop what his doing and walked towards me and looked at my phone and saw Vinny's name.

Sweetheart. It's only Vinny there's nothing wrong, answer his call don't let the kid waiting. He said and massage my Shoulders and kissed my cheeks. I answered his call even if a part of me didn't want to.

On call**

TITA!! He shouted in despair in the other side of the line. What's with this kid. Why is he shouting like someone is in danger. Is my Wrong feelings right? Whose hurt?

What is it Hijo? I asked Calmly. My chest became heavy and my breathing changed for some reason. I know there's something wrong i just can't point it out. My tears feel in my eyes. When Greggy saw me Tearing up he sat beside me and Creased my back to comfort me and mouthed me to put it on Loud speak so i did.

Umm... T-Tita. Go to Walter's Hospital Immediately! He said anxiously and me greggy looked ta each other clueless. Why did he want to Go to Walter's Hospital? And that Hospital is very close to Dad's Museo, It's one of the Best and privileged Hospital in Ilocos Norte. Who would be in the Hospital? Mama? Kuya? Manang? Aimme? Who?

Why Hijo? Who's in the Hospital? Greggy said

Tito. I-it's- he said but he couldn't finish his words. What's wrong? This Call is making me Disquiet.

Who Vincent? What happened? Why do you want us to go the Hospital? C'mon William I don't do jokes. I said seriously because I'm perturbed. Like who in earth will be in danger? I know i know that elections are beside the pole but what happened?

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