Chapter XVI - Home Sweet Home

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story from my imaginations

- Author

Irene's POV

While we are in the road the ambiance of the car felt weird because Darylle and Aki are just Acting like there not dating. And Akiriana always looks at me from her shoulders and I always give her teasing and killing smiles. I decided to crack the weird Feeling and spoke.

A-Ah Darylle Anak,  anong oras ng flight mo to Manila? I cracked the silence between us.

Ah, Mga 11:30pm po tita. I picked the late flight so i can spend time with you guys muna because I'll be staying in Batangas for a while. He said and continued driving

With us daw, hayst kay Akiriana naman yun. I said Quietly and Darylle didn't hear it but aki did  So she gave me an intense look and i gave a peace sign.

Good to hear Hijo, dun tayo mag lunch at dinner dun sa house nina Mama. I know they want to to-talk  to you din. And Birthday ni Luis. I said


Fast forward*

We are almost in the house and as we go closer we can hear people shouting and chaos is everywhere but in a good way. As we enter the gates we saw cars here and there.

Who did lola invite? There is so many people in there. Akiriana said while her eyes scan the area

Is that, Tita Dawn's Car? so Is Tita Small? She said and scratched her head confused. Mama invited a lot of people but mostly our family friends.

Yah, I think so. Why are they here? I didn't invite them naman. I said and got out the car to greet my Amigas.

Akiriana's POV

When mom knew that her Amigas are there she dashed off to see them leaving me and Darylle alone in the car. I didn't want to go out and i can sense that Darylle is Looking at me intently but filled with love.

You look so perfect. Love. How lucky i am to have you as my girlfriend. Your too perfect to endure. He murmured and I looked at him and gave him a sweet smile. I cupped his face.

Thankyou Darylle. How lucky i am to have a Gentleman like you in my life. I said and removed my hands on his face. His face is smooth and Delicately Amusing

For what, mi amore. But i more thankful you gave me a chance to express my love for you. To bad i have to go to Batangas by today. He said and kissed the back of my hand.

Mmm. But it's fine enjoy your time with your family. And i Thank you because of your perseverance and integrity to courting me even if I rejected you for multiple times you stayed and waited for my Fruitful yes even if i took you some years to grab. I said with lust on my voice and he smiled at me resisting him self to claim my lips. But he failed he couldn't stop himself and he kissed me by that second, all i can do is enjoy the moment and close my eyes and endure his showery kisses and kiss him
Back lovely. His hand is in my nape while my psalm in his face feeling his godly Face. His lips is soft as a pillow it felt like i was kissing the man that i will take my last breath with.

Hmm. Mmm.

We let go of the kiss and fix ourselves. I gave him a gaze so did he. I locked eyes with him and gave him a sweet smile he just chuckled and once again Gave me kiss but this time it's only a peck in the cheeks.

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