Chapter VIII - Can i?

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

- Author

Darylle's POV

2 months after that Boracay Trip***

I'm currently still in Ilocos Norte Because the buildings and design had a little misunderstanding so the project stopped for almost a Month. But it's now being continued.

I'm outside my Hotel Room that I've bought na. I'm in my veranda enjoying na morning Brest of Batac while sipping on my morning black barako coffee. While thinking about Akiriana, Tita and Tito gave me there blessings to Court her, I am just mashing up courage to do so. I really do admire and fancy her a lot.

Maybe today is my day. I'll ask her out and let see what happens.

I called her to see what she's doing. And good lord my heart beat is racing every dial tone i hear.

She finally answered and I think i woke her up, because she answered the phone with a groggy morning voice of hers.

In call.

Hey! What's with you! It's literally 7am Darylle. What are you a rooster? God who would call at 7am AT SATURDAY!! She said Annoyingly and I laughed

hahahaha. I just want to ask if your free today? I said

I'am. What do you want to do? She asked

Lunch? Maybe? I asked

Uh. Sure. What time? I'm not busy rin kasi, i will just probably sleep in if you didn't ask me out. See you Mr. Dary She said. Those statements of hers just gives me butterflies. She is the only one that can call me "Dary"

Hm. That was fast. But see you I'll pick you up later at 10am? I said

Sure. See you. Just remember I'm paying nothing Engineer Guarez. She joked. This girl is so cute.

You won't be paying anything not even a centimo Attorney Araneta. I'll shoulder everything. I said and she hoorayed and we both laughed. We ended the call, for us to get ready.

Manang Imee's POV

Irene and her Family decided to stay here to our place a.k.a mama's place. There are people attacking them because Bongbong is running for President and Sandro For Congressman plus Matt is running for Governor again. So while where all gathered in a same roof the security has been more strict.


I have been calling Akiriana for a while and I got no answer from her, how historical. I went up to knock on her door when i heard her laughing and talking to someone over the phone. Lumalabas ang pagka-parangka at chismosa ko.

I decided to listen behind the door. When I started to lean against the door, the door slightly open so I looked through the slightly open door. I saw that she is laughing and joking around with someone, I think it's a guy cause i heard her saying "Mr" but I didn't hear the rest because she ended the call.

When she ended the call she seems exited and happy. It's just weird because this girl is always grumpy in the mornings but she seems happy today.

I decided to widely open the door and stood in fromt of the door smiling. When she saw me, she was Stuttering and Flattered.

T-t-tita Manang. How long have you been there? She asked and quickly sat at the corner of her bed and gave her a playful smile

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