Chapter XXIX - Why?

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

There are bad words that might trigger you in this Chapter!!!

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Darryle's POV

I left my office and speed up to Akiriana's house which is her parents house. I might get shouted on but i can hadell the words they can kill me with but i want to explain my side to akiriana.

As i was in the car ride my heart beat is so fast and my tears just falls without my consent. What did i do to deserve this minimal happiness and then This hurtful pain?

I tried calling akiriana but she never answers so I decided to call his brother, kuya luis. Kuya please I'm begging you to answer.

As i was calling kuya, i was stuck in traffic. Bullshit! Fuck you traffic!

And gladly he answered. I was happy and scared at the same time. But I'll risk it all.


Kuya luis in call*





"What do you want?" He said

"Kuya please let me talk to Akiriana, please." I begged as i speed up my car.

"No. Please Darryle don't make this hard for her. She's in brutal pain right now. And it's because of you." He said and my tears just fell uncontrollably. This is all my fault.

"Please kuya, hear my side. Please." I said and my voice cracks as i hold in my tears.

"You teared her to pieces. How could you? You told you you'll take care of my sister? You lied to me, and you lied to my sister?! Darryle wake up! Tumigil ka muna, let her breath...without you." He asked

"Kuya please. I'm trying to fix this.... Please help me. Kuya luis please..." I begged but all i got was a scoffed.

"Darryle your my guy and your partner in crime, but this time.. I choose to be a big brother to my younger sister. I'm sorry." He said and ended the call, i hit the wheel forcefully and shouted and pulling my hair, while i cry and curse to my self.

"Putang ina mo!"

"Your so fucking dumb Darryle!"


"Fuck you self!"

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