Chapter XXXIX- End

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

There are foul words in this chapter so bare with me

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It Started with you and me But why did it end with me alone.....


Irene's POV

September, 22, 2030

This night will be one the most memorable nights of my parenting life, my youngest is getting married tomorrow.

We are all gathered in the living room while preparing for the wedding, our shoes are scattered everywhere, while our dresses and barongs are hanged while some are being ironed and steamed,

I went up to my room to get my bag  when I saw my daughter outside her balcony looking afar. She knows that everyone is busy down stairs but why is she up here? Why is the star of the night up here?

I walked towards her and creased her back.

"Anak are you ok?.." i asked

" Ma.. is this really happening?" she asked and i nodded

" why? Are you thinking twice? You can stop this occasion with just one no.." i said

" are sure you want to  do this" i added and she nodded

"Yes ma... I'm sure" she said

'Why are you asking me that question?' i asked and she looked at me

"I dont know ma, i f-feel scared.I don't know why" she said and rested her head on my shoulder. She's till my little Baby, kahit ikakasal na sya.

"It's normal anak. You're just scared but you're excited, this is a new chapter. You've been with Dar for almost 8 years. He's the one anak, he's the one." i said and she nodded

" He's the one," she repeated. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Hi you two" Greggy said and hugged his two girls

"Dad!" Akiriana said

Greggy walked towards us and kissed her daughters Head and kissed my lips

"Sweet nyo namam, nakakinggit." Akiriana said teasingly


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