Chapter XXXIII - Gov's Special Day

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

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Akiriana's POV

Tomorrow is Kuya Matt's Speacial Day. December 29, 2022 is the day that Kuya Matt and Ate Jamie will be one.

But now we are just chilling in lola's House while ate Jamie's Family Stays at one of the finish Hotels in Ilocos Norte. They aren't talking as what lola said.

This is one of the hardest let go I'll do. Kuya matt was my Kuya when My family left for California. Kuya Matt stayed by my side and acted like he was my biological Brother.

This day was hard for me, knowing that I'm letting go one of my man to his destined Woman.


I went in the balcony just to see kuya matt standing and looking a far. Awh my old Man is nervous.

Kuya Matt, how are you? I teased around and I baffled him.

Good and nervous. I don't think i can even sleep tonight. He laughed

C'mon bro your getting married! I said and tapped his shoulders

My old man is getting married tomorrow! I laughed. I call him and old man.

Old man? Really? Still that? Hahaha. He laughed and clung his arm over my shoulder

You'll forever be my old man. I said and he messed up my hair.

And you'll always be my Little Girl, even if I'll be married soon. He said and sighed.

Still can't process the fact that you'll get married, huh? I asked and Kuya Slowly nodded.

Well ready you Barong and vows. No matter what happens you will be one with Ate Jamie. I said

Once you get married, I'll make sure to tell you all of this words your telling me right now. He laughed so did i.


Luis's  POV

I was in my way to my Room when i saw matt and Akiriana in the Balcony hugging each other. I smiled but didn't realize that tears are escaping my eyes. I know for a fact that nagkulang ako as an Older Brother—to Aki.

As my tears fall i ran to my room and sat on my swivel Chair and looked my door, my lamp is the only source of light.

My lips started to tremble as the scenario i seen earlier played in my head over and over.

It hurts me that Akiriana Has better relationships towards her cousins rather than me and Kuya Fonzo.

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