Chapter XXX - Date night

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

This Chapter is R-18⚠️

Read at your own risk

!This chapter may contain nudity and bad words!!

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By the way! Last 10 chapters nalang to!

- Author


Akiriana's POV

"PLEASE! Don't do this to me.... Darryle!"

I shouted in horror while holding Darryle's corpse.

Anak... please. Relax. Mom said while creasing my back and tearing up.

Ma. This is all my fault, if i just forgave him already then this won't happen. It should be me. I cried

No anak, don't say that i will blame myself if i loose you. I can't bare to loose you. Mom said and i just can't stop crying and blaming myself.

How can say to tita that Darryle.... Darryle left us already.....


Darryle! Please! Wake up na! I about in horror. And i sat down in Darryle's Bed, sweating and panting.

It's just a dream?

"Hey, are you ok? What happened? You've been shouting my name."

I looked to my side and saw Darryle sitting at the end of the bed worried, i looked at him and hugged him immediately making him fall at the bed.

He fixed himself and sat in bed while leaning in the Headboard. I snuggled close to him and rest my head in his chest. I can feel his chest since his just wearing a sweatshirt with nothing under it.

What happened? Are you ok? He asked once more. I just looked at him and held his face

Your real aren't you? Your not the dream? I asked while holding his face and he shook his head.

No I'm not the dream. And why will i be dream? He asked confused

Good. I love you. I said and kissed his soft kissable lips and I sneaked my hands under his sweatshirt, feeling his masculine torso, I hugged his torso and rest my head on his chest.

I love you too. Was i in your dreams? Why do you seem so baffled, love are ok? He asked

I-I've dreamt of you. I said

What was I doing in your dreams? He said laughing

Umm. Y-You cheated on me w-with Vernice, i-i caught you. I said stuttering and his smile faded and held me closer to him.

What? O-ok.. was that all? You were shouting my name as if I'm dying. He said

I'm not done yet. I-i didn't listen to you and left you hanging. And then you went to our place and talk to my family but they pushed you away. But then you got into a hit n' run and you were in a car crash, and you were declared Dead on Arrival. I explained and he was surprised.

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