Chapter IX - Yes!

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

- Author

Akiriana's POV

Darylle... I'm sorry... f-for making you wait, for a long period of time. but I'm letting you court me once again Engineer Darylle but this time i think you have shot this time Mr. Guarez... i said and I looked at him Smiling. And he gave me a surprised Look and he gave me a smile that revealed his Killing Dimples....

Thankyou for giving me another chance Akiriana. He said and about to kiss me but I dodged it

Hep.Hep. Bawala pa yan! Ito lang muna. I said and gave him a kissed in the cheek and stood up and fixed my self.

Ok. That was cool. Now let's go na, before i turn red as a Tomato here. He admitted and walked me to his car.

We are now at his car and i can feel his joy through the ambiance of the car, not only because its brand new but the fact the he has a smile on his face all though put the car Ride.

I love this guy so much, i just couldn't be with him when he first courted me. So when he had a girlfriend i was devastate, so i just found my self in a bar with some random guy i was flirting with. I dated him but he just took advantage of me and my money and his a bastard bitch.




We reached the house at 4 noon.

Ma! I'm home!!! I shouted

Oh anak anjan kana pala... oh hey! Darylle come in Hijo. Mom greeted

Ah hindi napo tita i have work to do pa po eh. I just want to make sure Akiriana is safe. Darylle Mentioned that made them all smile and give me teasing smirks.

Oh sya. I Thank you for that Hijo. Ingat pauwi. Dad said and patted his back. He looked at me and gave me a Thankyou smile and i said ingat ka Darylle. He chuckled a little and bowled his head and smiled. He bid his good bye and we all went it the dinning table and all the food was served. We started eating peacefully not until......

Ehem. Ehem. So pamangkin, tell me what happened. Tita Manang said

What do you mean tita? Nothing happened, we just ate lunch that's it. I obviously lied. I just can't tell them just yet. And continued eating. They'll teased me every single minute when they knew what is really happening between us.

Oh c'mon apo. Don't lie. Your not very good at it. So tell me what happened. Lola said with a smile on her face.

Fine.... I said

They all stopped what they were doing and listened to me. All of my kuyas gave me a blank stare the just gives me the shivers. My titas and lola are giving me a curious face so is my mom but my dad is just looking straight to my soul like there is no tomorrow. I took a deep breath.

Ok um. H-He.... He... I stutter

He what? Kuya Luis said with a cold tone

What? Use your words Ferynanda! Kuya Fonso said. He called me Ferynanda indicating his really mad or serious.

C-c-chill kuyas... he just asked me if he can court me again. Nothing important. I said calmly but inside I'm really dying from fear at kaba.

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