Chapter X - Ilocos Norte

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All the scenarios and names encountered in the story is from my imaginations

- Author

One week of courting***

Akiriana's POV

It's a early morning in Ilocos Norte, i went down to eat breakfast with the family after that i took a shower since i have plans for today. Since Kuya Fonso is leaving the country, he was a lot of paper works to do such as Visa and citizenship since there gonna stay  in California for a while.

Kuya Fonso Left with his Wife so I'm stuck with Andy. Andy is cooperating with the situation responsibly but i know his sad, because of leaving his Baba his a lola's boy kasi.  He has been sad because in 2 weeks he'll leave us for his own good. So I decided to trip him around Ilocos since he will be leaving soon.

I walked towards his room which is Kuya Alfy's room. I knocked twice and I entered the room and saw him playing Roblox on his phone on the bed

Andy. Andy. Listen to Tita first. I said but he wasn't listening nor looking at me. He pulled up the comforter over his head and laid down, I think he turned off his phone because the music stoped. Nagtatampo siguro to, kasi di ko napilit si kuya ma dito nalang muna sya.

I decided to sit on the edge of the bed. He still
Covering his face with the comforters so I grabbed the comforter and removed it. When he saw me he turned his back to the other side and used his phone again.

Pst. Andy listen to me. I said but i got zero response not even a look

Andy, please understand the situation. You'll go back here naman after the election, your just gonna study there for 1-2 years. And I'll visit you frequently and i will take care of your baba and wowo. I explained. He shrugged but yet didn't give me a look not even a glance.

Andy, please forgive tita, I explained to your dad naman that you'll be safe here in Ilocos but he insisted. I said and i laid down hugged him. This time he looked at me and hugged me.

Tita, what if I can't go back here any sooner because of the chaos? He said

Then I'll visit you there or Baba and Wowo will fly to California and stay there for a while. Since they don't like the public as well I'm sure they can stay there for a period of time. I said while still hugging him.

Tita, I'll miss you and Ilocos Norte he said

If in that case then do you what a day tour to the Grate buildings in Ilocos Norte? I asked amd he nodded

Yay! Your the best Tita. He said and kissed my cheeks

And tita can Tito Darylle join us? I'll miss his goofy humor too. Can he? Can he! He added and smiling

But I think his busy. I said

Give him a call and let's see. He insisted

Fine. Fine. I said and open my phone and called Darylle. Andy grabbed my phone and put it in loud speaker, He sat on my stomach. Darylle answered and andy smiled at me.

In call*

Hello? Riana? Lov- He said with a husky voice. Jusko ka Harrison, it's already 10am tas kakagising mo pa lang?

It's me Andy. Tito can you give me a favor. He quickly said which made Darylle stopped talking. Nice one Andyboy

Oh hi buddy! What is it Tito can do for you? He asked happily. He likes kids more than i do, i I expected that him and andy will get along pretty much.

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