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Asha & I arrived at a local Sainsbury's, we both walked here in silence because we both didn't know what to say or think of the situation.

"what we gonna do?" I asked her

she looked at me, but it was like she was in a daze shrugging her shoulders she let out a big sigh "i don't know Amber, after we leave Renee's come back to Reece's with me"

nodding my head I said nothing more.

"what did you wanna cook?" she asked me

"sutten quick and easy I can't lie, chicken Alfredo or something" I shrugged

After spending 30 minutes in Sainsbury's, we got back to Renee's in 10 as we decided to get a uber.

Opening her front door with the key she gave me, we let ourselves in, kicked off our shoes and went straight to the kitchen to prepare the food. I put the pasta on to boil and Asha cleaned and seasoned the chicken. Deciding that we'll just wait until the pasta is boiled to finish everything else we went back into the front room to see if there was any update.

"did you decide what your gonna do?" asked Aasha

"i'm gonna have to call the police" she shrugged "I called his mum and she ain't heard from him, neither have any of his boys" she mumbled

"is there anything illegal here?" I asked

shaking her head no "I checked when I got back that day and everything was gone. I'll call the police later, I just don't wanna deal with the questions right now"

nodding my head in understanding I sighed "well we got some wine, if you wanna drink" leaving the convo there I stood back up to go in the kitchen and Aasha followed as we had to finish cooking this meal.

Hours had passed, we ate, drank and Renee even cried abit. She had fallen asleep so we decided now was the best time to leave so she could get some rest. Grabbing our belongings we made sure to clean up our mess and leave her keys on the kitchen counter. Once our cab was outside we left. The cab dropped of Cheraye first then took me & Aasha to Reece's.

Getting out the cab, the walk to Reece's building felt slow and long, it was definitely dragging. I dreaded what would happen next.

Aasha went in her pocket and retrieved a fob that had a key attached to it, she tapped it on the side and the door opened. Walking into the building we said hi to the receptionist and walked towards the lift. Once it arrived we stepped on and rode up to his floor in complete silence.

"I feel like i'm gonna be sick" announced Aasha

"same. Fam this is all mad" I breathed out "everything was just getting back on track"

"trust me" she mumbled


Hearing the lift ding let me know that we was now on Reece's floor. I stepped out first & Amber followed behind.

The walk to the front door was excruciating, I felt like i was dragging my feet because I knew deep down inside I wasn't prepared for what Reece was about to tell me.

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