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"and that is everything" i said mumbling to myself

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"and that is everything" i said mumbling to myself.

The girls were coming round to mine for us to do our monthly catch up. I had a table with food on there which consisted of chinese, sorry but i was not about to slave in the kitchen no thank you sir. There was sweets, chocolate and crisps scattered around it too with some soft drinks and a few bottles of wine. I know them lot would be coming with their own snacks and drugs sooo i wasn't too fussed. Running upstairs i had a quick shower and started getting ready, i told them to come for 7 it's now 8:30 so i know they'll get here by 9.


Opening the door for Amber, she was the last one to arrive. Stepping in she started to take off her jacket.

"we're in the front room" i told her before going into the kitchen to get some cups whilst she sorted herself out.

Taking a seat on the L shaped couch in my front room i passed them each a cup.

Grabbing 3 bottles of wine, i filled everyone's cups to the TOP. NO EXCEPTIONS! We're going to get drunk drunk.

"so how's life everyone" i asked whilst forking some rice into my mouth, we was all sitting around stuffing our faces with the chinese food.

Asha & Amber looked at each other, Renee & Amber looked at each other meanwhile i was just in the clouds about everything.

"Well after i left the hospital i noticed that i was being followed" explained Amber, whilst dipping her chicken balls into the curry sauce and taking a bite "it's this Range Rover an all blacked out 19 plate one. They was parked outside my house when i got out my cab from the hospital, i saw it in Asda car park when i went to do my grocery shopping and they followed my cab home" she finished explaining.

"what the fuck" i said whilst putting my now empty plate on the glass coffee table in front of me "fam what kind of madness be going on in you lots life" i said whilst backing my glass of wine and pouring another one, imma need a few more by the sound of this story.

"I went to Reece's the other day to give him the license plate, he said he'd get back to me once he finds something out. Oh yh!" she shouted shooting up, putting her empty plate on top of mine she too finished her glass of wine before looking at everyone "I've been staying at my mums too. Everyday around 7/8 in the evening someone rings my flat buzzer. I answer but all i hear is them breathing down the phone, they don't ever respond" She said whilst rummaging through her clutch, taking out what seemed to be equipment to bill a zoot.

"fam" i said whilst shaking my head with a chuckle, not because it was funny but this shit is scary "i wasn't ready" i whined whilst looking at her.

"truss me man" she mumbled before adding her weed to the grinder.

It got quiet for a second, i think everyone was processing what Amber just explained.

"i don't speak to Reece anymore" mumbled Asha

"why what happened ?" asked Renee

"i was staying with him after he got released from hospital and shit just wasn't the same, we barely spoke, he was always mean and rude, i felt mad invisible. I understood he got stabbed so yh his ego and shit might be playing up cos he can't do what he does but fam don't take your attitude out on me. one day i went to my mums to get clothes and come back but before i left i told him how i felt and he didn't have much to say. I got back we barely spoke he didn't even apologise. I wanted to watch a film but he wouldn't leave the front room told me he didn't care what i wanted to watch so i called him a bitch"

"PERIOD'T" screamed Amber

laughing at her Asha continued "we had a big argument he told me to leave i told him i hate him. After that day i left. I would only go in the morning and dinner time to give him food. A Few days later i went to drop him food for dinner and i found him laying in bed with the shakira girl. The same one i had a fight with at the drink up" she said whilst downing her drink, Pouring more and drinking most of the glass "After that i went NN for a week with Renee. I went with Amber to his the other day but i didn't even speak to him too tough."

"too tough" said Amber as she jerked her head "this girl acted like he was invisible" she said whilst laughing.

shaking my head i couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth, i was livid for my friend.

"WHAT THE FUCK" i screamed

"truss me" she shrugged whilst going to bill her own zoot

"well luckily my life's been dry" said Renee trynna lighten the load "work and Mitch's" she explained.

"the most random thing happened though when i went there one time" Crossing her legs under her she grabbed a packet of crisp from beside her and continued "I was at his house getting ready, I was looking for my makeup bag but i randomly came across this clown mask"

As soon as them words left my house i felt like i had got the wind knocked out of me. Since that day us lot have not really spoken about it and i would rather we don't. Getting up i grabbed my asthma pump off my dining room table before going back to my seat.

"A-a-a clown mask" stuttered Amber

"yeah" she nodded looking from all of us with a confused expression.

Sighing i sat my glass down before looking at her "one time i went to see Asha, it was when i came back from holiday. Anyways we was chilling and Asha ordered Domino's the guy came but she asked me to get it cos when i came i woke up her and Amber from a nap so she wasn't dressed. Walking towards her front door now and someone was standing there with a clown mask on. Asha & Amber came running after i screamed Asha's name, They held up 4 fingers before walking off" I explained  to Renee.

she didn't respond. She literally just sat there.

"so do you think Mitch is trynna kill Reece?" asked Amber

shrugging her shoulders she still didn't respond.

"I remember you saying he had a rental the other day, do you know the license plate?" asked Amber to Renee

nodding her head, yes. She sat and waited.

Amber slid across a small piece of paper "the license plate of the Range that's been following me is on there."

Picking it up, she opened it and read over it.

For a while she sat there and just stared at it.

She looked up at us but tears were brimming her eyes "that's it, that's the license plate on the Rental" Renee confirmed before running out the room where we later heard her vomiting upstairs in my bathroom.

Short I know But Enjoy!

Sorry for any mistakes!

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