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The time read 11:30PM I had just got in my cab from cherayes house and was on my way home.

'excuse me, are you able to stop at a shop so i can get some food'

'yes that's fine, just let me know what shop it is'

nodding my head i relaxed back into my seat and waited until the cab man passed the Caribbean shop. Reece hadn't messaged me all day, did i expect him to? no. Nino called me asking me if i could miss Uni tomorrow and go North West london with him to bang a few jobs, all my work had been done and submitted so i agreed.

'it's just the shop coming up here on your right, you can park on the side road' i instructed the driver.

nodding his head he parked up and i prepared to get out 'would you like anything?'

'no thank you'

With that being said I walked into the shop and went to the counter to order my food.

'Hi, what can i get you' the brown skin lady behind the counter asked with a smile on her face...shocking.

'Hey, Can i get the £4 Jerk chicken and rice and pea's with mac and cheese please'

Nodding her head she rang it up on the till and took my money, once she had given me back my change she went round the back to bag up my food, once she returned i took it from her, saying thank you one last time i pasted out the shop & jumped back into my cab.

Finally arriving home, I pushed my key into the key holder and unlocked the door, flicking on the light switch, I closed my door behind me being sure to lock it and kicked off my trainers. Walking into the kitchen I placed my bag of food on the island and made my way upstairs to take off my clothes.

Once i was butt ass naked, i threw on a pair 3 inch black nike shorts and a black bandeau, I had turned the heater on via an app on my phone when i was at cherayes, so my house was nice and toasty by the time i came in. Sliding my feet into a pair of slides I turned off my bedroom light after grabbing my phone and made my way downstairs.

After washing my hands I plated up some of the food and put it in the microwave, putting the rest back into the bag i placed it in the corner of the counter and went to the fridge to find myself a drink to pour. Deciding on Black grape KA, i grabbed a glass and poured some out. Taking my phone, plate of food and drink i made my way into the living room.

Once again I made sure all the lights in the house are turned off and i turned on the lamp in the living room. Going on netflix I decided to watch Fresh prince. Picking up my spoon i dug into the sweet flavours on my plate.

Opening my eyes i groaned in annoyance as i heard the doorbell going off again, i don't even remember falling asleep? Picking up my phone i checked the time and saw it was 2:00AM. who in their right mind thinks it's okay to turn up at someone's house at that time?

Grabbing my plate off the coffee table, I walked to the front door and looked out the peephole to see Reece, unlocking the door I opened it and walked into the kitchen without even greeting him. Washing off my plate and cutlery I placed them on the draining board.

'why did you take so long to answer the door' he grumbled

peeling my eyes away from my phone I looked up at him with a blank stare 'what do you want'

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