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'Tyler stop it!' i shouted at my 1 year old son who kept throwing his food on the floor.

It was around 12 in the afternoon and i was currently feeding him he's lunch....well trying to anyway.

Sitting there watching him feed himself was very entertaining to say the least, my phone started ringing in my hand, seeing that it was Nino calling i picked up.

'what you on today' he mumbled

'nothing, why'

'I got a few jobs here, I'm with your friend but there's only so much shops she can go into before getting clocked for the profiles'

'I mean if I can get a babysitter then I'll come meet you guys, where exactly are you lot' i replied with a sigh


chewing the inside of my lip I nodded my head 'alright, I'll call you back'

After making a few calls, Cheraye said that she will watch Tyler for me whilst I quickly go and meet Nino. After getting us both dressed, I double checked he's bag to make sure I had everything packed that he would need and then I made my way to Cheraye's.

Ringing the door bell once i was outside I stood and waited until someone came and answered. Seeing the door swing open, my eyes landed upon Cheraye.

'Sup hoe' I smiled whilst pushing the buggy inside the house.

'hello there' replied Cheraye

'I shouldn't be long, the time is now 2 I'll be back by 5:30 latest' I spoke whilst watching Tyler sleep in his buggy.

'it's fine, I'm not doing anything anyway. Should I take him out his bugg-'

'nah it's fine, leave him in there. Thanks again, I'll message you when I'm on my way back to you'

'Kool beans, bye bitch' she smiled

releasing a chuckle I let out a small bye and made my way to the bus stop.


Sitting around a table in Burger King, Asha and I waited for Nino to come back from doing a cheque with his brother.

'I have a funny feeling about this phone job you know' said Asha whilst looking around the shop

'same, I have this unsettling feeling' I replied whilst looking at her

'we cant go to Carphone Warehouse or 3. I know some girl that works in Carphone Warehouse and my cousin works in three' she mumbled whilst slouching in her seat. she had a habit of doing that.

'lets not overthink it, we got this. In then out' I said whilst trying to settle our nerves, mine more then hers.

nodding her head she let out a small smile 'you ready lovelies' spoke Nino

quickly glancing at each other we broke eye contact before nodding our heads.

How's Tyler?

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