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It's been a few days since the incident with Reece and i ain't left my house since i left the hospital that day

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It's been a few days since the incident with Reece and i ain't left my house since i left the hospital that day. But today i needed to do a bit of shopping so i got up around 1:30/2 and got ready. The day after he had been discharged and Asha went home with him. We text more or less everyday to check up on each other, especially because we now know that the person we thought was gone is still here.

By the time i was dressed and ready it had just gone 3:30. My house was EMPTY, but luckily i still had money left from the last job i done with Nino, soooo Sainsburys & Aldi was deffo seeing me or maybe even Asda. Pulling out my phone i called myself a Uber to Asda in Charlton. I've never been there before so why not. It said 10 minutes as it had a drop off and probably because of the time there was school traffic so i went in the kitchen and smoked a zoot to kill time.

Thanking the cab driver, i shut the door before digging a £1 coin out my pocket & putting it in a trolley. Walking through the main automatic doors, i began walking through aisles throwing whatever i needed in the trolley. As i got to the confectionary aisle i noticed this man starring at me. I'd be lying if i said i didn't see him around the shop a few times always walking down the same aisles at me, the weird thing was, was that his basket was empty? but he's been following me since i came in the shop. Every-time i looked at him he pretended like he was looking through the shelf's at something so i don't get why his basket was empty? if your gonna follow someone at-least style it out. Hurrying up with the shopping i quickly came to a finish before rushing to a till. Looking around i noticed he was no longer in the shop or near me. I let out a breath of air before deciding on asking someone to come stay with me for some days, just to have company. I don't know who yet but i ain't finna do all this shopping then go to my mums kmt.

Once i paid for everything & bagged it all up i made my way outside and waited for my uber to arrive. Aimlessly looking around the car park i noticed a Range rover. It was a black 19 plate Range, it was the same Range i noticed  was sitting outside my house the morning i came home from the hospital. I didn't really think much of it as no one was in the car but now i'm starting to get a little creeped out. Within seconds my cab had arrived so i let him load my shopping into the boot whilst i put the trolley back and then got into the cab.

Pulling out my phone i called Renee before placing it to my ear.

"hello" she spoke

"i think i'm being followed" i whispered, i didn't wanna alert the driver incase he cancelled my trip.

"what?! what do you mean"

"i was just in asda shopping & this man kept following me around the shop, i've come outside and i've now seen this range rover that i saw outside my house the morning i came home from the hospital but i can't see who's in it" i explained

"for fuck sake" she dragged out

looking behind me i noticed the Range rover was now following my cab "omg" i semi panicked "its following my cab! Renee what am i gonna do?!"

"shit!" i heard her whisper "okok go to your house. I'll be outside waiting. I got a spanner in my car incase of anything"

nodding my head i closed my eyes releasing a breath "ok, alright see you soon"

Hanging up the phone i just kept my head straight, turning around to see if the car was still there was only working me up so my best option was to just wait and see if it's still following me when i'm near my road or something.

I'm not gonna lie i am shook! cos what if they break into my house or even try kidnap me? this shit is scary imma be real & it's mad because i'm not even the one who's chatting to Reece so it's actually true when they say if they can't get that person they get the people close or around them. At this point i want it all to be over with, i'm tired of feeling paranoid & unsafe, always looking over my shoulder.

I don't blame Asha though, i'm sure she's just as scared as i am & i know she didn't ask for this, it's just shit that things had turned out this way.

Finally arriving at my house i turned around and noticed the Range was no longer behind us. letting out a breath i climbed out the cab before opening the boot. Renee climbed out her car and helped me bring everything in. when done i said thanks and bye to the cab driver before entering my flat.

"thanks for coming" i said to her whilst unpacking the shopping.

"no problem, this situation is getting abit mad now" she said whilst sighing

"truss me, but hopefully it'll be dealt with real soon" i said remembering what Reece told me in the hospital that day.


It had just gone 7:30 pm and i was at home chilling. Renee has left and i felt a little better. All my windows were closed, curtains  pulled and doors were locked so i felt safe. Picking up my phone i sent Asha a quick imessage.

I was just about to reply to Asha but my buzzer began ringing

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I was just about to reply to Asha but my buzzer began ringing. Getting up i put the phone to my ear before speaking "who's this?" i asked.


putting the phone back i kissed my teeth. this has been happening for a while now and it's ALWAYS around this time. someone will buzz my door but whenever i answer they don't talk. it deffo don't help with everything that's been going on either. At this point i think it's best if i stay with my mum for a while, first thing tomorrow morning i'm gone.

Quick Chapter, not proof read but Enjoy!

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