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c h e r a y e

'what do you mean you lot have come for your share?' I asked to no one in particular.

'you heard him love' spoke the second masked gun man.

'Nino, why you just standing there? sort this shit out man!' complained Aasha who stood as still as me.

Looking around I eventually stopped when my eyes came into contact with the girls, the masked gun men were now huddled in a circle around Nino. What they didn't know is that we all had the money on us, but to make matters worse we was in a area that were not familiar with. Looking at Amber I watched her carefully as her eyes were rested on the exit, looking around I tried to figure out a way I could run without any of the masked men reaching for me.

'AHHHH, STOP MAN PLEASE' within the click of a finger my head had snapped around to see what was going on. Nino was on the floor, his crimson blood oozing from different parts of his face. my face shifted into a facial of horror. I didn't understand how I just went from getting 2bags out the bank to this? Tears blurred my vision, quickly wiping them away I looked back at Aasha and Amber who held the same facial expressions as me. Looking at each other we all looked at the exit. nodding our heads at each other we all mouthed the count down to run.

'3, 2, 1' I whispered to myself.

'GO!' Screamed Aasha.

Without waiting any second longer I darted towards the exit Amber and Aasha matching my pace.

'OI COME BACK!' cringing at the voice shouting at us to come back I carried on running, I came to a halt when I heard the sound of a gunshot going off. Skidding past my head it went flying into the exit door.

'oh my god!' I screamed, looking behind me I watched as the one of the masked men had he's gun aimed at me. Looking ahead of me I pushed Aasha through the door before following right behind her.

'FUCK!' shouted Amber 'we've gone through the wrong doors.'

looking around I noticed that she was in fact right, we didn't go through the doors that we had came through instead we went through the doors that led you into a bigger part of the car park and the further you walked you could take the option to turn up the ramp onto a higher level or just keep going round in a circle.

'ok first things first, we need to not panic I know that's mad to say right now but we won't be able to think straight if we do.' explained Aasha. 'the only way out of here that were familiar with is back through the doors where the gun men and Nino are which is a straight no, we need to find the route that leads us into here if we was in a car.'

'I'm gonna do a conference call with us three, everyone put their headphones in and we need to split up but stay on the phone.' Stated Amber with a sense of panic in her voice.

Pulling out our phone's we all connected our headphones making sure to put the wire underneath our hoodies, standing around I repeatedly looked to my left and right making sure none of the guys were around.

'alright the calls are connected, Cheraye you stay on this floor, I'll go up the ramp and Aasha you can go down the ramp.' Ordered Amber.

nodding our heads we all hugged each other before departing ways.

Slowly walking around I was very wary and cautious. My heart was racing, I literally thought it was going to jump out of my chest. Walking on the side I made sure I wasn't in the way when cars were trying to find parking, I didn't want them to have to beep at me because that would draw attention that I didn't need right now.

'you lot found anything yet?' I asked into the mic of my headphones with a little joy in my heart hoping that one of them would reply with a yes.

'no' they responded in unison.

Noticing that I was walking around in circles I stopped, I looked around until I found something I could hide behind, once I had set my eyes upon a pillar I walked towards and stood there for a few minutes.

'well I've just walked around in circles, so who should i come me-.'

'GUYS! I found the exit!' Screamed Aasha with excitement in her voice.

thank you jesus.

'okay well where are you? how do we get to where you are?' I asked with urgency, the quicker we got out of here the better.

'well Amber you need to walk back down to the floor that Cheraye's on, do that now and then I'll tell you where to go.' Instructed Aasha.

'alright kool, Cheraye where exactly are you?' asked Amber, rustling could be heard from her side of the phone so i assumed she was coming to meet me.

'I'm standing behind some Pillar, It's next to the ticket machine.'

'give me two minutes I'm almost near you.'

Standing behind the Pillar i looked around making sure no one was looking at me funny and to also make sure the men didn't come to find us. It hadn't really dawned me that me and two of close friends were currently stuck in a car park trying to get away from 4 masked gun men?? Half of this place was abandoned and were not even from this area.

what have i gotten my self into? I didn't even know if I would come out of this alive?

'I'm behind you Cheraye, lets go!' shouted Amber.

'alright I'm here now Aasha, where do we go?'

'walk down the ramp to where you told me to scope out, once you get to the bottom keep to your left. It's a long walk still and your gonna feel like your walking in a maze but just keep following the route and don't move from the left side, you'll find me standing behind a pillar. Across from it is the exit.' she instructed.

'okay were coming now.' I responded.

weirdly enough the car park started to become empty 'is it me or are you lot clocking that the car park is getting hella empty?' I asked both Amber & Aasha.

'yeah I clocked' Aasha whispered.

'GET OFF OF ME' screamed Aasha.

Panic filled my body as i heard my friend screaming for help, me & Amber looked at each other before running towards the pillar Aasha told us to meet her at. Within seconds we was there but she was no where to be seen?

Taking my phone out my pocket I looked at it to see the call had been disconnected.

'ah fuck cheraye what we gonna do' Amber asked with panic laced in her voice. She walked around in circles whilst continuously fidgeting.

I didn't even know what to say, no matter how hard i tried to come up with something no words would leave my mouth. I felt defeated. One of my close friends had gone missing and I didn't know the first place to start looking.

'we need to get out of here, one way or another Aasha would need to get out this car park' turning my head left to right I looked at all the signs until i found the one that had the words 'EXIT' on it. 'let's go!' Grabbing Amber by her arm I dragged her until she started to run in the same direction as me.

Short chapter, Just felt to upload tbh. From today this story will be going under construction. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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