chapter 1

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Caleb is looking at Fubuki on his phone he then smiles

Caleb; "I wish I could be with you Fubuki"

All of a sudden a portal appears right infront of him. He gets up and looks at it. He ten grabs his phone and starts recording.

Caleb; "hey this is Caleb and this just popped up in my room and it happened right after I said. I wanted to be with Fubuki it's like my voice had made it appear. I have no idea where it goes but we're fixing to find out."

Caleb steps through the portal recording everything. He teleports into one punch man and into Fubuki's room. Caleb then sees Fubuki on her phone texting someone.

Caleb; "F-Fubuki?"

She turns her head it startled her whe sends him flying back to the wall knocking him out.

Fubuki; "what the"

She gets up and walks over to him. She then notices his phone is recording. She picks it up and stops it. She hits play.

Video playing

Caleb; "hey this is Caleb and this just popped up in my room and it happened right after I said. I wanted to be with Fubuki it's like my voice had made it appear. I have no idea where it goes but we're fixing to find out."

Video ends Fubuki starts blushing

Fubuki; "I feel bad now"

She slides her arms under him she then lays him on the bed.

Timeskip 2 hours 11:41p.m

Caleb starts moving in her bed he then jolts awake.

Fubuki; "are you okay?"

He looks at her his face then heats up.

Caleb; "I'm s-sorry I scared you earlier"

Fubuki; "its fine, anyway where did you come from? I know your not from around here."

Caleb; "oh I am from a different universe in our world, One created you and one punch man."

Her eyes widen in shock.

Fubuki; "does this mean that I'm a fictional character."

Caleb; "sadly yes"

Fubuki; "no no no this can't be happening"

Tears start rolling down her face Caleb notices and scoots over to her.

Caleb; "hey its okay"

Fubuki; "n-no it's not"

She breaks down fully crying Caleb moves and sits behind her. He then wraps his arms around her waist.

Caleb; "there there its okay don't cry I'm here"

Fubuki gently smiles her face heats up.

A few minutes later she stops crying she let herself fall back into his embrace.

Caleb; "how do you feel?"

Fubuki; "I feel better thanks"

Caleb; "now that your calmed down where am I gonna sleep?"

He gets up and moves to the side so she could look at him.

Fubuki; "you can sleep in bed with me if you like."

Caleb; "I c-can?"

Fubuki; "of course you can."

He leans over and hugs her blushing.

Caleb; "thank you"

She hugs him back they both get under the cover and go to sleep.

Time skip morning time

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