22 chapter excape attempt

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They both walk to the door, holding hands. "Before we open this door, can you protect me? I dont have a lot of energy."

"Of course I can, babe." She then uses her psychic powers to rip the door off the hinges they both walk through the doorway. They both walk down the long hallway. Caleb slides his hand in her. "I dont know how you got here."

"I don't know how I got here either. The only thing I remember was me fixing to respond to your message, and I teleported in front of you."

"Well, I'm glad you came. If you didn't, I would have lost my sanity." He said while looking at her. "Would you really go insane if I wasn't here?"

"Yes, I would have gone insane you are the only person that will keep me sane. You're my soul mate, after all."

She smiles at his words. "I'm y-you're soulmate?" She asked while blushing. "Of course you are. Why else would I be happy when you're around me."

"Awe t-thanks now that you mention it you're my s-soulmate too." They both continue walking down the long hallway until that big dude meets them. "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I'm his girlfriend. What's it to you?" She asked. "It seems like I get to have some more fun." He said as he ran towards them. Fubuki immediately got in front of him. The big guy then tried to stab her, but the knife hit her barrier. "What the " was all he could say as she used her powers to crush him into a small ball. "You know he stabbed me repeatedly?"

"No, I didn't, but he's dead now. You don't have to worry about a th-." Her words were cut short. A knife had gone through her back and out her chest. Caleb's eyes widened as she started to fall, Caleb quickly caught her in his arms. Caleb looks up at who did it, and it was Carnage's older kid.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT!" Caleb yelled as his veins buldge out his muscles get bigger his eyes and body start glowing red. He drags Fubuki over to the wall. "Hang on, this will only take a minute." He said in a demonic voice.

He turned around to face the kid. "Why do you look like that? If you're trying to be scary, that dont work on me, I dont get scared." The kid said.

"You don't get scared, you say? Well, you will be in a minute." He said as he hunched over his body and changed into a monster. The kid instantly drops the knife and backs up to the wall in total fear.

[Caleb's monster form is at the top. I don't have enough internet to post it here]


"Please, I take it back. I'm sorry for hurting your girlfriend. Please don't hurt me." Carnage's child begs.

"TOO LATE FOR APOLOGIES!" He ran up and opened his mouth and bit the kids' heads off he then put his body in his mouth and eats it.

Fubuki stares in complete fear. Caleb wipes his mouth and stands up, looking at her. Fubuki uses her powers to heal herself enough to start crawling away from him.

The second oldest runs up and puts the knife on her throat. "DONT COME ANY CLOSER OR ILL SLIT HER THROAT!" He yelled. Caleb growls getting on all fours. "Caleb, if you can hear me, I want you to do whatever you want. Don't worry about me."

Caleb runs at him, and the kid starts slitting her throat, but before he can, Fubuki stops him with her powers. Caleb jumps over her and tackles him to the ground. The kid stabs him repeatedly, but it doesn't stop Caleb from biting his head off. After he gets done eating him, he goes back to her.

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