chapter 26 the repercussion

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Day 23 Fubuki jolts awake breathing heavily. "CALEB!" She yells, getting out of bed yanking all her ivs out.

"Woah, sis, calm down." Fubuki looks over at her surprised. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here because you're in the hospital." She said. "Where's Caleb?" Fubuki asked. "He's in the next room beside yours." Fubuki got up out of bed and tried to wall but fell to the floor. "Woah, easy there sis let me help you." She flies up and helps Fubuki up. "Thanks."

Tatsumaki helps her to Caleb's room. "He's been in a coma for 3 days." Tatsumaki said. Pulling up a chair beside his bed and sits Fubuki down in it.

She starts tearing up. "Can you leave us alone for a bit? I wanna talk to him."

"Of course, sis." She flies out the room, shutting the door behind her. "Caleb, if you can hear me, I just want you to know that I love you very, very much, and you'll always be my favorite person on this planet." She said as tears roll down her cheeks.

"You can come back inside now." Tatsumaki walks back inside.

Time skip 8 days later.

"Come on, please wake up, baby. I miss you. I can't keep going home without you by my side." She said as tears rolled down her face. "I'm sorry I should've tried to heal you." She grabs his hand. An image pops up in her head of him dying she immediately lets go and smstarts crying her heart out. "Caleb, please don't d-die on me. I can't lose you now, not after all we've been through, I just can't. I need you to hold on, baby."

She keeps crying, and she grabs hold of his hand tightly, holding it. "You mean the world to me without you. I would be nothing. You're my other half."

Tatsumaki flies in. "You're still upset about him being in a coma?" Tatsumaki asked. "Why wouldn't I be? He's my other half."

Tatsumaki flies up and wraps her arms around her. "It's okay, sis. I know how you feel, and I will be here for you through all of this."

"Thank you." She smiles a little bit. "I'll always be here for you, little sis." Fubuki starts smiling. "Thank you."

"I got a question." Fubuki said. "Ask away." Tatsumaki said. "What made you change? Why did you start being so nice to me?" Fubuki asked. "I changed because of Caleb, and the reason I'm being so nice is because you're my sister."

"What's the real reason you're being nice to me?"

"Okay, fine, the reason I'm being so nice to you is because Caleb had changed my perspective of you."

"He did?" She asked. "Yes, the way he risked his life to save you multiple times when we had our fight."

"He changes everyone into a better person, doesn't he." Fubuki said, looking at his face. "Yes, he does."

Timeskip 11 days after the fight. Fubuki has calmed down and starts hanging around her sister more.

"I appreciate you for letting me stay at your house for the last couple of days."

"You don't need to thank me. You're always welcome to stay at my house." Tatsumaki smiles. "Also, thank you for letting Lily stay here."

"You're welcome sis afterall she's part of your family." Tatsumaki said, patting her on the back. "So what are we gonna do today?" Lily asked.

"I guess we can all go out and hunt down monsters." Fubuki said. "Besides, I want to start trying my psychic powers again." Fubuki said, getting up off the couch. "All right, let's go." Tatsumaki said.

All of them head out and roam around the city. They then come across a big monster with one eye, an alert goes off, saying a high demon appeared. Please seak the shelter immediately. Fubuki instantly crushed it. "That was easy. I didn't struggle at all."

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