chapter 4

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Time skip morning

Caleb opens his eyes. Seeing her asleep, he can't help but smile at how cute she looks. He leans in and kisses her on the forehead and whispers. "I love you, baby." he gets up out of bed and goes downstairs.

Mountain ape sees him and says, "Good morning."

Caleb then responds, saying "morning"

Lily; "Mr.Caleb what would you like us to call you?"

Caleb; "just Caleb"

Lily; ; "how did you sleep?"

Caleb responds, saying, "I slept pretty good." He then walks into the kitchen and fixs him a plate of breakfast. The rest off the blizzard group comes in and joins him. Fubuki wakes up and sees him not in bed she goes downstairs. She walks into the kitchen, seeing everyone eating she fixes herself a plate and sits beside Caleb.

Time skip after everyone gets done eating.

Fubuki then asks, "Are you ready to go and train?" Caleb responds "yeah let's go, "

Lily; "where are you both going?"

Fubuki; "we're going outside to train his powers."

Lily; "Oh okay."

Both of them go outside. Fubuki walks away from him. "Now, use your powers to try and lift me." Fubuki said. "Are you serious?" He asked

Fubuki; "Yes im serious."

"I can do that easily," he said

Fubuki; "well go ahead and try it."

He starts using his powers to try and lift her, but to his surprise, she doesn't move a single bit. "How are you doing that?" Caleb asked."I'm just using my powers to hold myself down. "

"Well, see just how long you stay down." he starts using all of his psychic powers, and it lifts her up off the ground. "Wow, you're stronger than I thought you were," she said, using more of her power to make herself touch the ground again. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you wanna keep me floating." She told him.

Caleb uses even more blood to start to flow down his face. He keeps on pushing himself to try even harder "ARGGHHHH" he yells. She starts floating again, but she forces herself back down. After a few minutes pass, he can't hold it any longer he starts to fall backward. She flies forward and catches him in her arms. "Relax, it's okay. I got you," she said, smiling.

"D-Did I do good?" He asked "yeah you did amazing for your first time. " Caleb coughs up blood. "Here, let me heal you." She places her right hand on his chest, fixing to heal him when he stops her. "You don't have to. I can do it," he said. "No, I'll do it. You have used enough of your powers already," she told him, but he didn't listen he put his hand on his chest, and he then healed himself.

Fubuki drops him, and she gets up and walks away mad. He sits up, seeing her walk away from him. "Hey, where are you going?" He asked. She turned around, looking pissed. "I can't believe you just IGNORED ME AFTER I JUST TOLD YOU I WOULD DO IT, BUT YOU DID IT ANYWAY!" She screamed he gets up off the ground and starts to walk to her. "I'm sorry," he said as he reached his arms out to hug her. "I DONT WANT YOU COMING NEAR ME  AFTER YOU HURT MY FEELINGS!" She yelled, and he stopped walking."I didn't know I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry." He tries walking up to she stops him with her powers.

"Just leave me alone," she said with tears rolling down her face. "Fubuki, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. im sorry." he uses his psychic power, and he starts moving towards her.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" She sends a powerful burst of power at him he suddenly puts up a shield that connects to his arm. It blocks her attack, and her eyes widen in shock. "I'm sorry."

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