chapter 19 love is hard

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Caleb dodged and hot yer in the stomach, sending her flying back Tatsumaki, then crushed her between two big slabs of rock. Fubuki easily broke free from it. Tatsumaki freezes her in place, but she breaks free from her hold and runs at her. Caleb got in front of Tatsumaki and blocked her attack, but this time, it broke both his arms. "Looks like I'm getting stronger." She said. Tatsumaki sent a car flying, breaking the sound barrier. The car then hit her into a building, destroying it. Fubuki jumps out of it unharmed. "Caleb, are you okay?" Tatsumaki asked. "I'll manage."

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Fubuki yelled. Running at them, both Caleb sensed this and spun around, catching her attack. He ignored the pain he was in. "SERIOUS LIGHTNING SPEED PUNCH!" He hit her in her jaw, breaking it. She flew through multiple buildings, finally coming to a stop she got out of the building and got behind him at lightspeed. "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!"  He spun around again and blocked it with his arms. A loud snap could be heard, and he yells in pain. He starts crying his heart out when he sees both his arms dangling. Tatsumaki was fixing to send her flying, but Fubuki flicked her, sending her flying through buildings. Fubuki walks up to him, raring her fist back, fixing to end him. "I'm sorry I failed you." He said with tears flowing down his face. "I'm sorry I failed to help make your mind stronger." He said, falling to his knees, looking down at the ground sad. "If im gonna die, I'll die know that I made you happy."

He said as his chest started hurting. "What are you waiting for? JUST DO IT ALREADY!" He yelled, closing his eyes. But her attack never hits him, but instead, arms wrap around him. "It's okay. I'm sorry for hurting you, baby. I couldn't stop myself, but I'm here now." She said as she started rocking him back and forth. "I can't do this anymore. I can't protect you, so what's the point in me even being here?" He asked, breaking down from everything that's happened. "Don't say that I know it's hard for you and all. But keep going, I believe in you, and just because you can't protect me doesn't mean you don't have a reason to be here. The reason for you being here is me. I'm your reason, and never doubt yourself again."

"I'm sorry I won't do it again. I love you, Fubuki."

"I love you t-too." Tatsumaki flies up and sees her holding him. "Sis?" Fubuki looks up at her. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

"It's okay it's not your fault." Fubuki starts losing control. Caleb looks into her eyes. "Hey, stay with me, keep fighting. Don't let him take control. I know it's hard, but I believe you can beat him. I believe you are strong and capable of beating him in your own way."

"I c-cant he's t-too s-strong." She starts giving it everything she has to fight him off. "Yes, you can. I believe in you, baby." He said as he wrapped his broken arms around her. "If you can't beat him on you're own ill help you." He said, 'I wish I had the power to fuse with her so I can help her.' He wished to himself all of a sudden both their body's glow green and they both fuse.

"Oh my god." Cabuki said as she ran her hands down her body. "Oh my god, I feel amazing." She said Tatsumaki mouth fell open in shock. Cabuki turned around and saw her shocked. "You okay, sis?"

She just stared at her stunned at what she had just seen. "SIS?" She snaps out of it. "H-How did you both do that?"

"I don't know he just wished he could fuse with me, and it worked." Cabuki said. "Well, are you in control now?" Tatsumaki asked. "Yes, I am fully in control now."

She flies up and hugs her. "Thank God you're back. I was worried about if I would ever get you back."

"It's okay, sis." She hugs her back. Carnage walks up to them. "You got free from my mind control, but what you didn't know is I can increase my mind controling powers." He increases them. Cabuki jumps forward. "ULTRA MOVE SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH!" She yelled, and his body exploded the clouds separated.

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