chapter 13

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Morning Caleb wakes up and gets out of bed he grabs one of her dresses and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. He slides his clothes down and turns the shower on, getting inside it. He starts washing his body and notices deep scars from his battle with Tatsumaki. "You really did a number on me. I guess I'm too weak to defend myself, sadly." He starts getting sad while continuing to wash his body.

Fubuki heard this while she was asleep.

[Let me explain so when Caleb or Fubuki starts feeling down or depressed about themselves, the other person can hear their words. The reason why they both can do this is because when Caleb died by demonic fan2, Fubuki revived him. When she did that, her esper powers changed his blood, and it made them tethered to one another. Fubuki nor Caleb knew about it.]

Fubuki woke up and got undressed she stepped into the shower. She then hugs him, "You're not weak. You're strong in your own way. Yeah, you may not have been able to handle her attack. But that doesn't mean you're not strong. I mean, she is number 2 for a reason."

"H-How did you know I was talking about myself?" Caleb asked. "I guess we are tethered to one another." She said. "What about my scars make me  look ugly."

"Do you wanna know what I think about them?" She asks. "Yes." She looks at the scars and looks back up at him. "They make you look more manly. They also make you look more sexy." Fubuki said, blushing.

"T-Thanks." He said. "Now, let's wash each other." After they wash themselves off and step out of the shower and got dressed. "You hungry?" Caleb asked her. "Yeah, let's go eat." The lovely couple walk down the stairs and into the kitchen the blizzard group follows them. Everyone fixes their own plates of food and sits down at the table. "So what are we gonna do for today, lady Fubuki?" Lily asked. "Yeah, what are we gonna do today? You haven't made us do anything for a week."

"If you really wanna do something, go to the association headquarters and ask Stitch about bounty hunting that will give you all something to do it will also give you guys money."

"Have you ever bounty hunted anyone before?" Caleb asks Fubuki. She looks at him. "Yes, I have. I hunted down, wanted criminals , and captured them. I brought them to the association headquarters for money."

"Oh, okay." Timeskip, everyone gets done eating. "Becareful." Fubuki told them. "We will." They all leave heading to the association headquarters.

"So do you wanna go to the canyon to train your psychic powers?" He asked. "Yeah, let's go."

Timeskip 20 minutes of flying later, they arrive and start training. Fubuki lifts up a big motel size rock and holds it for about 5 minutes. She then starts moving it around it the air fast. "Woah, calm down. You don't wanna overdo it." He said as she stopped and looked at him. "I'm not even tired." She said as she lifted up another one and held it in the air.

Meanwhile, at Saitama's

"I'm hungry." Tatsumaki said as her stomach growls. "Genos is currently cooking hot pot he will get done soon." Saitama said. Tatsumaki groaned. About 10 minutes went by, and genos came into the living room saying it was done. Saitama went in there and put some on the plate for Tatsumaki he walked back and laid it in front of her with a fork and spoon. "How do you expect me to eat with the web around me?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot." Saitama tares 3 holes in it so her head and arms can fit through it. She pokes her arms and heads out. She then starts eating and drinking water.

After she gets done eating and everyone is focused on on her. She takes the knife and starts trying to cut it, and it comes apart. Saitama and Genos were in the kitchen. The cyborg was cleaning, and Saitama was fixing his plate. She takes this as an advantage and gets out the web, and opens the door flying out.

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