chapter 15 the big fight

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The duo get out of bed and take a shower after their shower they put back their dirty clothes back on. They both then head downstairs. "Good morning. I fixed you both breakfast." Bang said while continuing to eat his food.

Timeskip after they get done eating "me and Caleb need to go home and change clothes."

"Okay, just watch out for the other Class-S heroes." Bang said. "Don't worry, we will."

Timeskip when they arrive home metal bat and Flashyflash are there. "COME WITH US BACK TO THE ASSOCIATION OR SUFFER, THE CONSEQUENCES!" Metalbat yelled.

"Lady Fubuki, what is going on?" Lily asked. "Don't worry about it. We'll handle them." Fubuki said as she got into her fighting stance.

"Ha, you think you can beat me well? You're wrong." Metalbat said as he jumped forward. "DRAGON PUMMELIN!"  He throws multiple swings at her, but she blocks it. "Do you really think I'd let you beat me well? You got another thing coming." She said as she struck him in the chest, sending him flying back.

He landed on his feet. "You are stronger than I thought you were." He said as he jumped forward. "SAVAGE TORNADO!" he yelled as he came flying at her she simply dodged all his blows with ease. "H-How are you dodging? That's impossible." He said as he got struck in the head it sent him crashing through the gate wall.

Flashyflash just shakes his head. "Do you want me to handle her?" Flashyflash asked.

"NO ILL DEAL WITH HER!" He yelled, running at her with his fighting spirit engaged. "SAVAGE HURRICANE!" He yelled she simply dodges all his attacks yet again, but as the fight continues, his speed steadily increases. She sees an opening and goes for it. "WATERSTREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" She yelled, hitting him into the ground it sends cracks everywhere.

"H-How did you just do that?" He asked, confused. "It's easy. I know martial arts." She said, striking him again and again. He then swings his bat at her as hard as he could, but she simply catches it. Flashyflash jumps forward. "WIND BLADE KICK!" He moved at a super fast speed. Caleb got in front of Fubuki in an instant, blocking his attack. Metalbat kicked her away from him and swung his bat at Caleb's head. He dodges and hits him in his jaw. Sending him flying back, Flashyflash swings his sword at light speed. Fubuki got up and summoned a barrier around him his attack hit it and shattered it. Caleb turned around and tried to him him, but he dodged at light speed. "FLASHY SLASH!" He yelled, fixing to slash through him, but Fubuki got in front of him in an instant and deflected it with martial arts.

He dashed behind Caleb in an instant. "FLASHY KICKS!" Caleb couldn't even see the attack coming. Fubuki spun around and thrown him out the way as his attacks hit her, sending her back a few feet. Metalbat got up on his feet, blood all over his face. "I won't let you get away this time." He said, running up to her and swung his bat with even more force. Caleb got up and hit him away. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" He yelled.

Caleb and Fubuki both put their backs to each other. "You handle Metalbat, and I'll handle Flashyflash." Fubuki said, getting ready. "Okay." Both Metalbat and Flashyflash got in front of them. "Like you could ever handle me." Metalbat said, charging at Caleb. "DRAGON PUMMELIN!" He yelled. "FLASHY KICKS!" Both Caleb and Fubuki jumped out the way as their attacks hit each other. Flashyflash sees this and stops his attack, but Metalbat doesn't have the time to react. Flashyflash catches his bat in his hand. "Watch it." Flashyflash said. The lovely couple got up and rushed them while they were distracted. "ROARING AURA SKY RIPPING FIST!" Caleb yelled. "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" Fubuki yelled both their attacks, caught them off guard, sending them flying Flashyflash got behind her in an instant.

"MAXIMUM SPEED FLASHY KICKS!" Fubuki spun around and barely dodged all of his kicks at lightspeed.

[The reason why she could move at light speed is because she's using her esper powers on her body to help her move really fast. Ever since yesterday, she gained the ability to move at light speed.]

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