chapter 16 round 2 fight

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"SIS!" Fubuki yelled, getting up. Caleb ran into the living room, and his eyes widened in disbelief. Tatsumaki flew up to her fixing to flick her in the head, but Fubuki dodged. She tried to hit her, but Tatsumaki sent her flying through the wall.

Bang came out of his bedroom and walked into the living room. "WHAT THE HELL?" He said. Caleb jumps forward and throws her out the door, running after her.

The other heroes see this and start to run at him, but Tatsumaki stops them. "Don't get involved. I'll handle him." She said as Caleb runs up to her she stops him with her powers and lifts him up. "It's time for me to hurt you, so you can't hurt anyone else." She said as she started twisting him in the air. "OWWW!" Caleb tries to withstand her attack by using his psychic powers, but it only helps a little.

Fubuki appeared behind her at light speed, her eyes glowing red. She then hit her, and it sent her flying through the forest it destroys all the trees in a path.

Zombieman pulled his gun out and fired it at her, but she sensed this and dodged all the bullets flying at her she then got behind him. "WATERSTREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" Her attack was so powerful it blowed a massive hole through him he fell to the ground in pain.

Puripuri prisoner rushed at her. "DARK ANGEL RUSH!" He yelled, but she easily dodged and hit him in the chest. It broke all his ribs, and he fell to the ground. "ATOMIC SLASH!" He yelled, trying to slice her in peices, but she caught the blade in between two fingers. "Bad choice." She hit him, breaking all his ribs he fell to the ground unconscious. Caleb slowly got up to his feet in pain.

Fubuki flew up to him. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. "I'll mange." Zombieman got up and fired, his gun at Caleb. Caleb put up a barrier, but the bullets went right through, but before they hit him, Fubuki broke his barrier and swatted them away. Fubuki then turns around to face him. "CREMATION HELLSTORM!" A fire tornado engulfs him and burns his body, and big rocks destroy the rest of his body.

Tatsumaki flew back and threw 3 cars at her. But Fubuki dodged them at high speeds. "You'll never be able to catch me with your slow attacks." Fubuki said as she jumped forward, fixing to hit her when Tatsumaki froze her in place with her psychic power. "You forgot I am still stronger than you." She then lifts her up in the air, starting to choke her. Caleb jumps forward, fixing to hit her, but gets lifted up in the air, too. "You both are still no match for me." She said. Bang walks out of the house and sees his students in the air choking he then jumps forward. "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" But Tatsumaki lifts him up in the air too.

Fubuki's sight starts getting darker each second that goes by. She knows she had to do something and fast. She starts using all of her psychic power and starts going beyond her limits as blood flows down from her face. Caleb knew what she was doing, so he started going beyond his limits, too.

"I don't know what you're both doing, but it won't work." She said as two gigantic slabs come around her catching her off guard, making her get crushed between them. All three of them fall to the ground. Fubuki and Caleb start crushing the two slabs down, making the rock get harder and harder. But all of a sudden, it stops a bright green light emits from it. All of a sudden, it explodes into little rocks. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" She said, summoning a gigantic meteor it heads straight for them. Both Caleb and Fubuki look at each other and nod their heads. They both run to each other and jump off, heading towards it. "EXPLODING HEART RELEASE FIST!" Caleb yelled. "WHIRL WING IRON CUTTING FIST!" They both use all their strength and hit the meteor with all their strength. 

It starts cracking they both start floating and hit it repeatedly using the same attack. The cracks start getting bigger and bigger until it explodes. Caleb and Fubuki use all their psychic power to stop all the big pieces of the meteor from falling.

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