chapter 21 torture

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"HAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU BOTH CRYING IS FUNNY AS HELL." Carnage laughed. Caleb's eyes turn solid green, and he gets up. His veins start showing "SHUT UP JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TIRED OF YOU!" He yelled pissed off he then used his psychic powers and crushed all the bones and organs in his body. He yells out in pain, but Caleb doesn't stop there he runs up and rips his regenerating spinal cord out his body. Carnage falls to the floor, unable to move for a few minutes, and starts moving again with his newly grown spine. He somehow slides out of the chains and rushes at Caleb, but before he could hit himhis body stopped. Fubuki had stopped him using telekinesis. 'Damn, he can heal quick.'  Carnage managed to get a tentacle free and smack a sleep pill into Caleb's mouth.

As soon as the sleeping pills took effect, Carnage threw another sleeping pill. It worked fast, and Caleb collapsed on top of Carnage's chest, breathing heavily. ''Well, well, that just makes everything even more funny.' Carnage thought sarcastically. Carnage grabbed Caleb by the throat. Fubuki instantly dashed forward "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HIM!" She yelled fixing to hit him when they both disappeared Fubuki immediately looked around for them. But they were nowhere to be found "CALEB!" She yelled with fear in her voice.

Fubuki started running all over town looking for them, but to no avail. "Wait a minute if he teleported here. That means he can teleport back." She immediately falls to her knees. "No, this can't be happening now. I have no one." She starts crying her heart out

'What am I going to do?' she says to herself over and over. After a while of sobbing, she gets up slowly and starts walking away from the building. She looks around everywhere. "Why won't you answer me?" She asks out loud, trying to contact Caleb using her psychic powers..

A few hours pass by, and he still won't respond she finally decides to go home. she goes upstairs and gets in her bed she starts crying. "Why did she come home without Caleb?" Lily asked. "I don't know, but stay here." Tatsumaki said as she flew up the stairs and knocked on her sisters door. "G-Go away. I just wanna be left alone." Fubuki said, crying. "No, I'm not gonna leave you alone. You're my sister." Tatsumaki said as she walked over to her younger sisters bed and sat beside it. "Just let me sleep." Fubuki said and started crying again. Tatsumaki sighed as she pulled Fubuki into a tight hug. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Tatsumaki asked.

"C-Caleb's gone Carnage teleported holding him." Tatsumaki's eyes widen. "I thought you both were stronger than him?" Fubuki uses her psychic powers to show her what happened. "He'll find a way to come back, don't worry."

"N-No he won't. Carnage will just keep on giving him sleeping pills so he won't wake up." Fubuki bursts out crying again. Tatsumaki hugs her tighter. "N-Now that C-Caleb is gone I h-have no one."

"That's not true. You have me and Lily still." Tatsumaki said, trying to comfort her to the best of her ability.

After what felt like forever, Fubuki calmed down enough to actually reply to Tatsumaki. "Thanks but… You can't promise that we'll ever see him again. He's probably dead by now. "No, he's not." Tatsumaki said, shaking her head. "How do you know?" Fubuki asked. "he's really strong, don't you remember?"

"Yeah, but what if Carnage managed to actually kill him."  Fubuki asked, getting teary-eyed again."We'll just have to deal with that when it happens." Tatsumaki said. Fubuki nods as tears continue to stream down her face. They lay down together in silence. After a while, Fubuki fell asleep again, exhausted from all the crying. Tatsumaki sighs and gets up out of bed, and walks downstairs.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Lily asked, worried. timeskip after Tatsumaki explained what happened. "I really hope Caleb doesn't die."

"I hope he doesn't either." Meanwhile, in a different dimension. Caleb awoke in a room, tied down to a metal bed frame. He groaned. The first thing he noticed was the smell. The smell made him sick. The room was covered in the scent of sulfur. There was also what looked like some sort of chemical burns on the wall. Then he heard the door open behind him. He turned around to see a tall male standing in the doorway. He looks a little familiar to Carnage. A man dressed in black and white with a hat over the upper half of his face. He had short black hair and bright golden brown eyes.

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