chapter 14 war

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An alert goes off, waking both of them up, and they grab their phones and read it.

"PLEASE REPORT TO THE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS IMMEDIATELY!" The alert said on their phone. They get up and change clothes they both run downstairs. "You both got the alert, too?" Lily asked. "Yes, we're heading to the association now."

"Wait before you go sitch called me and said that you both may be stripped of your rank because of your actions towards the other heroes in A-Class."

"I should have known something would happen anyway. Thanks for telling us we're leaving now."

Timeskip, they arrive in the Class-S meeting room. "You wanted to see us?" Fubuki said to Sitch.

"Yes, please sit down." They both sit down at the table. "You have beaten three Class-A heroes, and your punishment for doing so is your getting put into our association jail. We have moved you both to the same room." 2 Class-S members come out of the dark and cuff them both. They make them stand up. "You both will be served 4 months for your crime against other heroes."

They both take them underground and lock them in a cell they uncuff them. They then leave them. Fubuki starts to tear up. "It's my fault we're in here. I shouldn't have done that." Fubuki said. "Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known someone was gonna report us, and I have a feeling of who did."

"Who?" She asks. "Amai mask, he's the one who helped us do it, and he knew it would come back on him, so he made us take the blame for it." Caleb said. "That low-life bastard." Fubuki said, getting pissed.

Caleb lays his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. We will get that prick back for what he did." They both try warping the bars with their powers, but somehow it doesn't work. Caleb pulls out his phone that he snuck in and calls Saitama.

He picks up. "What's up?" Saitama asked. "Um, can you come get us out of the association hero jail." Caleb said. "Where is that exactly?" Saitama asked. "We're underneath the association headquarters. If you don't know where that's at, let Genos show you."

"Okay," Saitama said as he hung up. "We need to go get Caleb out of jail."

"What, why?" Genos asked. "I don't know why let's just go and get them out."

Timeskip they arrive Genos and Saitama get to the association downstairs door. Genos swipes his card, and the door opens. They both walk down the stairs and open another door.

Two security guards see Genos and bowed down at him.. They both walk down the long hall and get to their cell. "Gaurds, we need the keys." They both ran over and gave him the keys. "Where are you taking them?" They asked. "We're taking them up to see sitch he needs to talk to them." Saitama unlocks the door and hands them the keys back.

"Come on, you two, let's go." Both of them walk out the cell with their heads hung down. The 4 of them start going up the stairs. "So why were you two in jail?" Saitama asks. "Amai mask got us to beat up the top 3 Class-A heroes, and he knew it would come back on him, so he blamed it on us."

"Yeah, that guy he's slick like that he always puts the blame on someone else." Genos said. "Yeah, now we know." They get to the end of the stairs and open the door. "Then we're shocked to see Sitch standing there with Darkshine and tanktop master. "I can't believe you would break them out and you of all people." Sitch said.

"They shouldn't be the ones locked up it should be Amai mask." Genos said.

"Why should it be him he's the one who reported it?" Sitch asked. "That's because he told us to do it, and he even promoted us to rank 1 and 2." Caleb said.

"I don't believe you traitors lock them away, boys." The two crack their knuckles fixing to fight. But before they could even get started, Caleb hit both of them, sending them both flying. Darkshine landed on his feet while tanktop master hit the wall unconscious.

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