chapter 20 absolute evil.

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Time skip day 15. Both Caleb and Fubuki jolt away hearing screams. They both get up and run down the stairs. They both freeze when they see Bang. "Who screamed?" Fubuki asked. "She did." Bang points at her.

"Why did you scream?" Fubuki asked. "Because theirs an old man in our house."

"You freak out over the littlest things, I swear. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I came over because I was worried if you two had beat that monster." Bang said. "We beat it, but it was really hard."

"Where's its body?" Bang asks. "Well, I wouldn't say it's a body it's more like his blood." She walked over to the fireplace and picked one of them up. She hands it to him to look at, and he takes it. "Anyway, while you're here, do you want something to eat?"

"Um yeah, would you mind bringing it to me? I'm not staying long." He said. "Yeah, sure, be right back." She said, walking into the kitchen. Bang walks over to the fireplace and looks at all the others. He turns around and sees everyone not looking at him he quickly reaches up and grabbed them all. He bolts for the door Caleb notices. "HEY, STOP!" He yelled, but he didn't stop. Caleb gets in front of him at lightning speed. "Where do you think you're going with all those?"

"ITS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESSS!" He yelled as he hit him in the chest it sent him flying through the door. Bang runs outside and starts running away. Caleb gets up and gets in front of him in an instant. "EXPLODING HEART RELEASE FIST!" He yelled, hitting bang, causing him to go flying. The barriers containing the blood get flown up into the air. Caleb uses his powers to catch them. "What has gotten into you?"

"GIVE ME BACK MY BODY!" He yelled, charging at Caleb. He tries to hit him, but Caleb simply catches the attack. Caleb sees his eyes red. "C-Carnage?"

"You know it now sit the fuck down." He uses his mind controling power he sits down but he struggles to resist it. "HAHAHAHA LOOKS LIKE I WIN!" He quickly grabbed all the barriers and started running away. Fubuki came back into the living room and saw the door broken. She immediately looks at the fireplace and sees them gone. She quickly bolts outside and sees her boyfriend on the ground. "CALEB!" She runs over to him, but he doesn't move or speak. She realizes he's being mind controlled she uses her powers on his mind it frees him. "Where is he?"

"He ran off heading towards the town I think he's gonna try to break the barriers." Caleb said. She offers him a hand. "Let's go stop him together." She smiles at him he takes her hand, and she helps him up. They both ran off after him at lightspeed but couldn't find him anywhere they both met back up in the street. "Shit, we lost him."

"Do you know where he would go?" She asks. "He would most likely go down into the sewer system to hide."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." She grabs his hand and runs over to a manhole she lifts the metal cover up they both get inside. "Eww, this is disgusting." Fubuki complained. "Well, what did you expect you thought it would smell like flowers or something?" He asked. "Shut up, smart mouth."

He starts smiling. "Come and make me." He challenges her. He turns around and starts running. She starts smiling and runs after him. "Get back here!" She yelled in a playful manner.

All of a sudden, Caleb turns down a different tunnel she follows him. "IM GONNA GET YA!" She yelled, still trying to catch him. He then comes to a sudden stop. "Ha, I got ya." She was fixing to wrap her arms around him, but he held his hand up in the air. She stopped playing and walked up to him. She sees a huge chamber of torture devices inside a huge room. "What is this place?" She whispered.

"A torture chamber, and I know who it belongs to." She looks at him. "Who does it belong to?" She asks.

"It belongs to carnage he loves to torture people." Hey eyes widen. "Wait a minute if he teleported here yesterday. How did he have the time to build this?"

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