chapter 7

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Time skip morning

Caleb sits up in bed, and he sees her sitting at the end of the bed getting dressed. He crawls over and wraps his arms around her waist. "Good morning, beautiful." He said.

"Good morning." her face heats up. "Are you feeling sore today?" Caleb asked "Yeah a little bit."

"You're only a little bit sore?" He asked. "Yeah, why are you more sore?" She asked. "Yeah, it's hard to move." She turns around to look at him. His eyes widened when he noticed she didn't have a bra on "y-you don't have a bra on?" He said, stuttering and blushing.

"Is there something wrong with me not having one on?" She asked "n-no it's just that it caught me off guard." She crawls closer to him. "I can tell you're holding back. What is it really?" She asked

"Okay, fine. I feel nervous when you're half naked." Her eyes widen "your nervous?" He shakes his head yes "hey there's no need to be nervous. I'm your girlfriend, remember?"

"Y-Yeah, but I don't think it's right to see you naked." He said "Caleb there's nothing wrong with seeing me. You are my lover, after all." He looks away. She reaches her hands up and tilts his head back to look at her. "The only person I would ever let to see my body is you."

His eyes widened in total disbelief "Fubuki I d-dont know what to say, I uh." She cut him off with a kiss she then presses her body against his. After a few moments, they separate, "You can look, I dont mind."

"O-Okay," he stuttered. He look down at her chest and sees just how big they are. "O-Oh my god, there big." He stuttered. "Do you like them?" She asked. "What kind of question is that?" He asked. "I just thought you would like them. I'm s-sorry." She covered her chest, looking away, fixing to cry.

"I don't like them. I love them." He said, smiling. She turned her head, her eyes were wide "y-you love them?" Ahe asked "well of course I do they're a part of you after all."

She leans forward and wraps her arms around him. "Thank you, Caleb,"

"Do you wanna get dressed now?" He asked her. "Yeah," she let's go of him and starts to put on her bra. "Here, let me clip it." He pulls it together and clips it. "Thank babe,"

5 minutes later, they both walk downstairs and into the kitchen. The duo fix their food, and the blizzard group follows them and fixes their plates.

10 minutes later, everyone gets done eating and leaves the kitchen. "So what are we gonna do with the diamonds?" Lily asked. "We're gonna exchange them in for money. It will most likely be enough to buy us some new cars."

"So this is how you will get the money we need." Lily said, "I did tell you not to worry about it." Fubuki said. "I'm sorry we ever questioned you." Lily said

"It's okay," Fubuki said "anyway I don't think me and him are gonna train today."

"We're not?" Caleb looked at her confused. "No, you're too sore to train." Fubuki said. "But you aren't, tho." He said. "Yeah, but I'm not training without you." She said.

"Okay, fine." He said. "Anyway, we're gonna take these diamonds to the association to get them converted into cash." Mountain ape said. "Okay, be careful with them." They wave goodbye and leave. "So what are we gonna do today?" Caleb asked

"I guess we can watch a movie,"  Fubuki said. "Okay, let's do it then." They both walk over and sit down on the couch, Caleb turns the TV on and goes on Netflix under Fubuki's account. "What would you like to watch?" Caleb asked.

"I don't care." She said he searches and puts on a romantic movie. "You're putting a romantic movie on?" She asked "Yeah besides maybe I could learn something," he smiles at her.

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