chapter 6 money

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Fubuki opens her eyes and sees his head lying on her chest. She smiles at how happy he looks, sleeping. She knew she couldn't get up without waking him, so she lays there.

5 minutes later

"Caleb?" She whispered he didn't wake up. "Hey, it's time to get up." She shakes him. He opens his eyes and notices he has his head laying on her chest he immediately sits up and looks away, blushing. "I'm sorry," he said

"Hey, you don't have to apologize it's okay." He looks at her. "Why should I not? That's your chest." He said, "Caleb, I don't care if you were laying your head on me it's not like it was sexual."

"Yeah, you're right." She gets up out of bed and goes to the bathroom and fixs her hair. He got up and followed her. "I like your messy hair." He said "awe thanks Caleb" she smiles at him he then walks over and takes the brush out of her hand. "Here, let me help you." He brushes her hair, "Thanks." He looks at her in the mirror. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. "Of course."

"You're very pretty without makeup." She turns around to face him. "You like me without my makeup?" She asked. "Yes, I do," he said

"Why do you like me without makeup?" She asks. "Because you look more beautiful without it." She blushes, "t-thanks Caleb," she said.

"You are so beautiful that you blow your sister out the water." Tears start rolling down her face. "Y-You really mean that?"

"Of course I do." She immediately wraps her arms around him and starts crying. "T-Thank you, Caleb, that means a lot to me." He wraps his arms around her.

"You are even prettier than Psykos." Her body and face heats up. She pulled her head back and kissed him. She explores his mouth, and their tongues interwine.

They both pull apart with a string of saliva. "Wow, that was amazing," Caleb said. "Yeah, it was. Anyway, are you ready to go downstairs and eat?"

"Yeah, im kinda hungry," he said. They both go downstairs and eat.


"How many times are you both gonna train?" Lily asked "as many times as we need." Caleb said, "What's your goal in all this?" Eyelashes asked. "Our goal is to pass her sister in power." Caleb said. The Blizzard group, eyes widen in pure shock. "Now, if you excuse us, we need to start training." Fubuki said as they both walked off, leaving the group total in shock.

"Can we go somewhere else to train?" Caleb asked. "Of course we can." He grabs her hand. "I'll show you then."

5 minutes of flying later.

They both arrive at the cannon where Genos and Saitama fought. "Why did you want to come here?" She asks. "I didn't want us causing anymore damage."

"Oh," She commented he walks away from her. "You ready?" He asks. "Yeah, im ready."

"Okay, I'll start first," Caleb said he slams both hands on the ground, and two big slabs slam shut on her.

The big slabs start shaking, and then they fly apart. She slams both her hands on the ground, slaming two big slabs on him. The two big slabs shatter on impact. She was fixing to ask him how he had done that when she saw his psychic bubble. "Keep your barrier up. Im gonna throw stuff at it."

"Okay," she lifts up boulders and sends them flying, hitting his barrier. The dust clears, and his barrier is still holding up. She then lifts up a massive Boulder and 899989898 it, flying at him barrier. it hits his barrier, making the ground shake a little bit. The dust clears, and theirs a crack on his barrier.

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