chapter 31

27 2 35

Morning day 29

Caleb sits up and sees Fubuki head lying on his chest. He smiles at just how  beautiful she looks. 'I don't know how I got so lucky to be with an amazing and beautiful woman like you.'

She immediately looks up at him and smiles. "I'm lucky to have a handsome and strong man like you."

"Dammit, why do you always gotta read my mind?" He questions while looking at her.

"I can't help myself. I just can't stay out of your head it makes me feel like I'm at home in there."

"Y-You feel at home when you're inside my head?" Caleb asks. "Yes, I feel that I belong there it also makes me feel comfortable. Being inside your head relaxes me."

"Well, if it makes you feel that way, you can stay inside my head as long as you want, babe."

"Awe, thanks, but I only do it at night." She said, pulling herself up and kissing him on the lips. "I love you," Fubuki said.

"I love you too." Caleb said. "Anyway, you ready to get up?" Fubuki asked. "Only if you are."

"Yeah, let's go." They both get up out of bed and take a shower

Times skip they walk down the stairs. "Good morning," Tatsumaki said. "Good morning, sis."

"I fixed you three breakfast." Lily said. They go into the kitchen and fix their plates.

After everyone got done eating, they walked into the living room. All of a sudden, the house shook, making picture frames fall off the wall. "What the he'll was that?"

"I don't know. Go check it out." Fubuki said as both Lily and Tatsumaki walk outside. Fubuki walks over to one of the picture frames that fell she saw it had shattered. She picks it up and sees it's her and her group posing for a picture. She immediately started getting sad. Caleb walks over and sees a tear roll down her face.

"What's wrong, Fubuki?" He asked concerned. He looks down and sees the broken picture frame of her group. He immediately grabs it and lays it down on the TV stand. He then hugs her. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here."

"I miss them." She said as she started crying into his shoulder. "I know you do. I miss them too, but look at the bright side. You still have me and your sister. You also still have Lily." Caleb said.

"I know I just miss the rest of my group."

All of a sudden, Tatsumaki crashes through the wall, landing in front of them bloody and beaten. "I didn't even hit you that hard, and you're already beat ha what a weakling." Evil Saitama said, walking inside. Caleb let's Fubuki go and hit him, sending him flying. Fubuki got on her knees in front of Tatsumaki.

"Are you okay?" Fubuki asked. "Yeah, I'm just hurting, that's all." Tatsumaki said. "Where's Lily?" Fubuki asked. "She's outside knocked out."

"You call that a punch ha that was weak." Evil Saitama said. "SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" Caleb yelled, hitting him in the chest it sent him flying through buildings.

Caleb was fixing to run after him when he got hit into the ground by Evil Saitama. Caleb quickly got up to his feet and jumped forward at light speed, fixing to use the same attack. He caught his fist. "Do you really think you could beat me with that attack. Well, let me show you what true power is."

"SERIOUS SERIOUS SERIOUS PUNCH!" It hit Caleb in the chest, breaking his rib cage, and it sent him flying through the blizzard headquarters.

Fubuki had seen him flying, and before he passed through the other wall, she stopped him with her powers. She ran over to him, and her mouth immediately dropped open. "H-Hes too s-strong." Caleb stuttered.

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