chapter 29 the morgue

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Timeskip 2 days later, Lily had been bringing up food and water in her room. Because she didn't come out any ever since they died.

"I know it's hard for you, but you need to come out of your room eventually."

"What's the point I have no one to come out of my room for." Fubuki said as tears started rolling down her face.

"You know the morgue called and wanted you to come down there and see them."

"I've already seen them." Fubuki said. "But they said they want you to come over and decide if they should be cremated."

"Okay, fine, I'll go." She gets up out of bed and goes to the bathroom to fix her hair.

Timeskip to when she arrives at the morgue. "What do you want to do with them?"

"I guess you can incinerate their bodies, but before you do, I want to look at them both one last time."

He pulls out the body's and uncovers them she walks up to her sister and starts to cry. "I wish you were still alive, big sis." Fubuki leans over and kisses her forehead. The man takes Tatsumaki and loads her up in the incinerator. He shuts the door and starts it up. It burns her body to nothing but ashes.

After the ashes cool down, he puts it in an expensive earn. "Caleb, I'm gonna miss you. Most of all, you were the most important person in my life.. You're the one who helped me and gave me a purpose in life. I thank you for freeing me of all my wrong ways. I appreciate you with all my heart, Caleb. I'm sure gonna miss you, my big man." She leans over and kisses him on his pale lips.

The man walks over and wheels his body over to the incinerator he loads his body up into it. He shuts the door. Fubuki walks over and puts her hand on the door crying. "Goodbye, my love." The flames surround his body starting to burn it. Fubuki turns around and slowly walks away as soon as she removes her hand.

Something hits the door. Fubuki turns around and sees a hand on the small window. Her eyes widened with hope she immediately used her powers to shut the fire off and ripped the door off the hinges. She grabs his charred hand and yanks him out of there. He falls into her arms. "Hey, stay with me." She starts using her energy to heal his burn wounds. He looks like a rotting corpse just because of what the flames did to him.

He weakly wraps his arms around her. "It's okay. I got you."

His burned wounds heal, but he's still in horrible pain. "I can't believe you're actually alive. I missed you so goddamn much." She starts crying into his shoulder.

[He will be talking in a raspy voice because of how burned he was.]

"I swore I swore I died. I had seen my body on the ground."

"I dont know how you're alive, but im glad you are, baby." Her arms tighten around his body even more. "OUCHHHH!" He yelled in pain. She immediately lets him go. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

[What they both don't know is when Fubuki had kissed him, it brought him back to life. The flames had just woken him up.]

"It's okay, you just f-forgot my skin still hurts." He said, slowly pulling his head back to look into her beautiful emerald colored eyes. He leans in and kisses her.

[The only parts of his body that weren't burned horribly were his face and forearms.]

She fell into it a few minutes pass by, the he broke the kiss. "I wanna go home now."

She gently lifts him up with her powers. As Fubuki walks over to the door, Lily is still frozen in total shock. "You okay?" Fubuki asks.

"H-How are you alive?" She asked. "I don't know, but I'm glad I am." Fubuki walks by her floating him behind her. Lily walks after them, and they all head home.

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