chapter 24

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Fubuki wakes up in a hospital bed she tries to sit up blast and put a hand on her chest. "Don't sit up. You need to rest, young lady. You're still weak from using that strong attack."

"After I heal, are you taking me back to the association?" She asked. "No, im not. Even if I did, you both would easily get out again because of how strong you are."

"And besides, I don't need to babysit you. When I was fighting you both, I realized that you both were telling the truth. I also realized that you both were trying your best to protect each other. You both deeply care for one another, so im not gonna interfere and mess up your lives. You both seem really happy together, and I don't wanna ruin that just because of what Sitch had told me." Blast said.

"Y-You really mean all that?" Fubuki asked, getting teary-eyed. "Of course I do."

"Awe thanks Blast that means a lot coming from you." Fubuki said, smiling. "How did you get so strong?"

"Well, I trained every single day for 20 days." His eyes widen. "That's not possible it took me years to get as strong as I am today." 

"Well, what can I say? I gained strength really fast, and besides that, Caleb helped me. The reason I can move around at light speed is because I copied other heroes' moves."

"Oh okay anyway, I got to go deal with holding god off, so it was nice meeting you, and please tell your sister I said hi."

"I will." He summoned his gate, fixing to walk through it. "Wait, where's my boyfriend?" Fubuki asked, concerned. "He's in the room next to yours." He said as he walked through the gate and it closed behind him. Fubuki lays there in bed for what seems like 3 hours she gets up and pulls the iv out her arm.

She got out of the hospital bed and left the room walking to the next room. To her surprise he wasn't there but his clothes were. She leaves the room and asks a nurse where Caleb is she tells her he's in the same room she just went into. "He's not in that room his clothes are, but he isn't."

"He may have got up and left." The nurse said. "Why would he get up and leave without me or getting his clothes?."

"I don't know if you're that worried about him. Go to the office and ask the manager to replay the video."

"Okay, I will, thanks." She said, going to the office she then knocks the manager, comes to the door, and opens it. "Miss Blizzard, what are you doing here?"

"I came over here to ask you if you can replay the last 3 hours of video footage in front of room 103."

"Why do you need me to show you  the video footage?" The manager asks. "Because my boyfriend isn't in his room, his clothes are still in the room, and he wouldn't leave me alone at the hospital."

"Okay, sure, I can do that for you." He said, walking to his desk, he pulls up the video footage and skims through it. "Stop right there." He stops, and the frame shows Psykos carrying Caleb. "Okay, thank you." Fubuki leaves the office and flies out the hospital and starts looking for them.

Meanwhile, at Psykos home, she lays him on her bed and starts taking her clothes off. Caleb slowly opens his eyes and starts moving a little bit.

"Oh good, you're awake." Psykos pulls her panties down. "Who said that?" She walks up to him, his eyes widen. "P-Psykos? W-Why are you naked?" Caleb asked, stuttering.

"I'm fixing to have sex with you." Psykos said, pulling his shoes and pants off. "WHAT? NO NO NO!" Caleb yelled, sitting up and pushing her away. "Oh well, you don't really have a choice hun." She said, using her powers to immobilize him. She pushes him back down she pulls his shirt off and underwear. She gets on top of him. "You're not hard. Well, I can fix that." She said as she started bouncing and rubbing her boobs.

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