chapter 12 rescue mission

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Morning day 10

Caleb opens his eyes and sits up he looks at Lily, still sleeping behind him. He shakes her she opens her eyes. "Oh, you're up. Do you wanna go get her right now or go change out of your hospital clothes first."

"I don't have the time to go and change. I need to save my girl." She smiles. "Okay, let's go then." Caleb rips all the IV'S  out of his arm he then wraps his arms around her. "Hold onto me." She does as she's told. Caleb then flies out the hospital and starts swinging from building to building. "Oh my god, you have spider abilities?" She asks. "Yes, and it's gonna come in handy for dealing with Tatsumaki."

Timeskip they both arrive meanwhile inside. Tatsumaki wakes Fubuki up."Here I fixed you breakfast." Fubuki rolls over on her side, ignoring her. "Come on, you sis, you gotta eat."

"I'm not hungry." Fubuki said, irritated. "Okay, I'm gonna leave it sitting on the table. If you need me I'll be in my room watching TV." Fubuki doesn't say anything to her. When Tatsumaki flies up the stairs, closing her door. Fubuki starts to cry again. "I can't take this pain anymore." She sits up. Looking at the table, she sees the knife and grabs it, putting it to her wrist. Caleb tells Lily to stay outside he slowly opens the door and sneaks inside quietly, shutting the door behind him.

Caleb slowly walks around looking for her. He walks into the living room and sees her cutting herself. He uses his psychic powers to stop her from cutting even deeper. "GODDAMMIT TATSUMAKI WHY CAN'T YOU EVER LET ME DO ANYTHING?" She screamed. Tatsumaki upstairs heard this and got up.

"Because I care about you, baby." He said with tears rolling down his face. She instantly snaps her head around to look at him. "OH MY GOD, CALEB!" She drops the knife and runs over to him she then hugs him crying. "I missed y-you," she said, crying.

"I missed you too." He said, wrapping his arms around her.  She starts shaking "there there its okay."

"No, it won't be okay." Tatsumaki said, standing on the stairs. Caleb looked up at her Fubuki's arms tighten around him. "If you even try to leave with her, I'll hurt you again. You got that?" She asked. "Yes ma'am," Caleb said. Fubuki looks at him, fixing to ask him why, but he leans in and whispers in her ear. "Don't worry, I'll get you home. I just need to wait for the right moment when she drops her guard, then I'll just pin her down with a ton of web."

"When you do it, I will make damn sure I protect you." Fubuki said. "Thanks." Caleb whispered back.

"Do you plan on staying here with her?" Tatsumaki asked. "If she stays, I stay." He said. "Okay, fine, you can stay." Tatsumaki said as she rolled her eyes.

Lily walks up to the door and opens it. "Does that mean I can, too?" Lily asked. "No, and get out of my house."

"Oh, come on, she won't bother anyone." Caleb said. "I can't have you both in my house. Since it's Fubuki's choice, she has to choose who she wants to stay with her." Both Caleb and Lily look at her.

She sighs, "I choose my boyfriend. I'm sorry, Lily." Fubuki said. "It's okay. I understand." Lily said as she left. "Miss Tatsumaki, do you have a spare room that we can have?" Caleb asked. "Yeah, it's just right across the hall from my room, but don't mess anything up."

"We won't, I promise." Caleb said as he grabbed Fubuki's hand and led her up the stairs. He opens the door and walks inside with her he shuts the door. He leans in and kisses her, and it heals her arm. "I know you were heartbroken, but that doesn't mean you have to kill yourself." Caleb said.

"I couldn't help it. I felt horrible that I wasn't able to protect you. I blame myself for you dying if I wasn't so weak, I could've saved you." Tears starts rolling down her face. "Don't blame yourself it's not your fault that I died. Besides, I risked my life saving   you."

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