chapter 11

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Caleb walks up and sees she's still holding him, and he smiles. 'I never can get used to laying in bed with her.' He gets up out of bed an7d takes a shower. A few minutes later, Fubuki wakes up and hears the shower running. She gets up and takes her clothes off. She opens the curtain and steps inside.

"Ahh," he yelled. "Shhh, it's okay it's just me, baby." Fubuki said "Jesus you scared me."

They bothwash their body's and get out together. "You know I'm still not used to being around you."

"You're not?" She asks him. "No, the reason why is because I've only been with you for 9 days. I still can't believe that I came here and got together with you."

"Well, to be honest, I'm the same way. I mean, I'm not used to having a handsome and smart boyfriend like you."

"Anyway, let's get dressed and go downstairs and eat." They both get dressed and head downstairs.

Meanwhile, 1 minute before they headed down stairs

"So how did my sister fight Garou?" Tatsumaki asked. "Well, she fought him using martial arts." Lily said.

"H-How? She did she learn it so fast?"  Tatsumaki said. "Well, Caleb had showed her how, and I guess she mastered it the first try." Lily said

"That's impressive. Did she put up a good fight?" Tatsumaki asked. "Yeah, she held her ground against Garou  they both tried their best to protect each other."

"Well, I'm glad my sister has someone that can protect her, unlike you all." Tatsumaki said. "TAKE THAT BACK!" Eyelashes yelled. "Or what all of you gonna try and hurt me i would like to see you try."

Eyelashes sat back down on the couch. "That's what I thought you're weak."

Fubuki and Caleb walk downstairs hearing all of the yelling. "What's going on, sis?" Fubuki asks

"Nothing going on other than your weak group saying that they try to protect you when they can't."

"Well, they try their hardest too." Fubuki said. "I think you should just disband your group they do nothing but get in the way." Tatsumaki said.

Fubuki was fixing to say something when Caleb cut her "No." Tatsumaki stands up. "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my sister."

"I don't care who you were talking to. I answered for her." Caleb said. "You best stay out of it before you get hurt." Tatsumaki said. "I don't want to disband my group." Fubuki said.

"Either you disband it or ill do it for you." Tatsumaki said. "No, I won't disband it."

"Everyone leave and don't come back, AND IF YOU DONT ILL HURT YOU SO BAD TO WHERE YOULL NEVER PLAY HEROS AGAIN!" Everyone starts leaving. "Now it's time for me to punish you for not doing what you were told to do." Tatsumaki raises her hand up in the air, and it sends her flying back into the wall. "It's time I teach you a lesson about disobeying me." Tatsumaki said as she sent the couch flying, and it hit her through the wall. Fubuki slowly gets up to her feet "sis please stop. I don't wanna fight."

"I don't care what you want." Tatsumaki said as she lifted her up in the air, starting to choke her. Caleb sees her in pain hold her neck, and something inside him switches. He jumps forward. "EXPLODING HEART RELEASE FIST!" It catches Tatsumaki off gaurd she gets sending flying into a wall. Caleb runs over and catches Fubuki in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay now thanks to you." She smiles. Tatsumaki lifts the rubble off her. "YOU BASTARD YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT." Tatsumaki yelled as she walked towards them. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!"

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