chapter 28 rival

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They both teleported back into their own dimension. "Wow, I can't believe you helped them."

"To be honest, I can't either, but Im glad I did it." He smiles at her. "Where did you both go just now?" Tatsumaki asked.

"We teleported to a different dimension and saved some people." Her eyes widen. "How did you teleport?" She asked, curious. "I don't know. I just touched Fubuki and teleported."

"Well, I'm glad you both saved some people." She said, smiling. "Anyway, imma leave you both to eat."

They both said okay as she walked out of the room. Timeskip after they got done, they both were downstairs. "I believe it's time for both of us to go back home."

"Well becareful I love you." She said. "We will. We love you too." They both walk towards the door. "Come on, Lily, let's go home."

Timeskip 3 hours after all three of them got home. Beating starts at the front door. Lily gets up and opens it she immediately gets hit to the ground. A whole bunch of heroes from Class-S and Class-A come running in. "WHAT THE HELL WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO FUNNY WHEN YOU YELL!" Lily crawls backward. "What do you guys want?"

"What do we want? We want to kill Fubuki and Caleb." Lily's eyes widen in horror. "Why do you want to kill them they have done nothing wrong?"

"They killed me and my brother, so say that again, I dare you." Lily stands up and gets in front of the stairs. "If you want to get to them, you have to get through me first." She said with determination.

"You're lightweight." Carnage said through metal bats mouth he ran up and hit her with his bat. She gets sent flying through the railing, hitting the wall, and she slides down to the ground unconscious.

Caleb heard it and ran out of the room. Fubuki ran behind him, and they both stopped at the top of the stairs. They both looked at the wall, and Lily's laying there, bloody. "HELLSTORM!" It sends all of them flying in a tornado. Metalbat jumps out of it and charges at them. "WATERSTREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" Caleb yelled, hitting him his rib cage breaks, and it sends him flying to the wall. The other Class-S heros charge at them and use all their attacks.

Caleb dodges tanktop masters punch and punches him in the jaw. He was fixing to get hit by Darkshine when Fubuki caught his fist. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Flashyflash yelled and striked her on the neck with his sword it sends her flying to the wall downstairs. Then, all the Class-A heroes start hitting her repeatedly. "CONSECUTIVE LIGHTENING SPEED KICKS!" He hits all the heroes they all get sent flying through the wall.

Caleb runs down the stairs and wraps his arms around Amai masks neck. He then dislocated his neck bone, he fell to the floor, and Caleb then started throwing punches at all of them. The 3 disciples block the attacks, but the other heroes couldn't. They all crash through the wall. "IAIAN OF CERTAIN KILL." Caleb dodges all her attacks.

Caleb hits her through the roof. Bushdrill makes his blades start spinner on his drill. He then swung at him. Caleb had kicked him right before he could touch him. "AIR BLADE!" Omatachi yelled. Caleb got sent a few feet back, and he jumped forward and hit her in the chest. It broke all her ribs. She then falls to the ground.

"You okay?" Caleb asked. "Yeah, they couldn't hurt me."

"ATOMIC SLASH!" Atomic samurai yelled, striking Caleb repeatedly with his sword. Caleb falls to his knees after the attack, his back bleeding. "CALEB!" Caleb's eyes immediately turned reddish green, and he then turned into his monster form. He got up and started jumping back and forth, creating afterimages he then striked him repeatedly, and he fell to his knees, bleeding. Flashyflash landed in front of him.

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