chapter 8 Tatsumaki

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Morning day 8

Caleb sits up in bed and gets up he looks in the closet and grabs a dress. He heads to the bathroom and gets undressed he then turns the water on. He steps into the shower and starts washing his body.

3 minutes later, Fubuki wakes up hearing the water running she gets up and takes her clothes off, and takes her necklace off. "Can I get in there with you?" Fubuki asked.

"Yeah, just don't look at my private parts." He said. "I won't, I promise." She said as she stepped inside.

A few minutes later, after their both clean, Fubuki couldn't help herself. She pushed him to the wall, and her hand traveled down to his crotch.

"F-Fubuki, what are you doing?" He asked. "Don't worry, It's gonna be okay." She touches his dick and massages it. He sees the lust in her eyes. He starts to grow in her hand "Fubuki you don't have to do this if you dont want t-." She cuts him off with a kiss. "I want too, baby." She felt him get completely hard. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you." She said as she got on her knees and started giving him a blow job.

"Oh my god, your m-mouth feels amazing." She speeds up.

4 minutes later, "I can't take this anymore." Caleb said as he pulled her up to her feet and bent her over. He slides his dick into her and starts going in and out. "OH MY GOD🥰" she moaned.

He starts going faster she moans, and props herself against the shower wall.  As he pounds into her, she moans louder.

Downstairs, "Is that moaning I hear?" Eyelashes asks "yeah it is." Lily said.

"She might be hurt. We should go and check on her." Mountain ape said. "No, let's not she might be doing it with him." Lily said. "Then we will wait." Eyelashes said.

Back upstairs, he leans forward and wraps his arms around her, and massages her breasts. "Your boobs are really soft and big." He said.

"IM FIXING TO CUM!" She yells "ME TOO!" He yells as they both let their load lose. He pulls out of her they both moan. They both wash themselves off and get out of the shower. "I can't believe we did it in the shower." Fubuki said as she blushed. "I know, but anyway, how did it feel being your first time?"

"It felt unbelievably good." She said. "I'm glad it felt good." He said "well I guess I'm gonna have to go get some birth control pills," She said. "I'll go with you, but we can go get them after we eat." He said "okay"

Timeskip after they eat "we're gonna go to the store we will be back." Fubuki said, "Allright becareful." Lily said, "we will." They both get in the car and drive off. "I'm really lucky to have a nice boyfriend like you." She said "no I came here by accident, I am the lucky one."

"How about this, we're both lucky to have each other." She said "okay I agree to that."

Timeskip, they arrive at the store and bring them to the counter and ring it up. "Is that all for you today?" She asked "Yes mam." Caleb said she rings it up. Caleb gives her the cash and they both leave he starts up the car and rive home. "Do you wanna go and train?" He asked "sure why the hell not."

She calls Lily. "Caleb and I are going to the cannon to train, and we will be back later." Fubuki said "okay thanks for letting me know." Lily said as she hangs up.

Fubuki opens a can of soda and takes the pill. 5 minutes later, they arrive at the canyon. "Alright, let's do what we did last time." They both use their powers on the biggest Boulder their is  they both all their power.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, Tatsumaki flies around city F and senses alot of psychic power being used. "I got to find out who is using this much psychic power." She flies towards to canyon.

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