chapter 30 the real reason

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Morning day 27

Caleb sits up and grundy in pain. Fubuki immediately sits up hearing him. "You okay?" She asked "yeah im just hurting a little bit."

"Here, let me ease your pain." She puts her hands on him and starts using her powers to numb the pain.

"Awe, thanks, you're so sweet." He said. "I have to be your my amazing boyfriend."

"Awe, thanks, that means a lot to me." He smiles at her. "I mean more to you, don't I?"

"Of course you do, baby." She stops healing. "How does it feel?" Fubuki asked. "It feels much better now, thank you."

"You're welcome, baby." She said as she planted a kiss on his forehead. "Anyway, I believe I can take this robe off and put my clothes on."

"You need me to help?" Fubuki asked. "No, but thanks, tho." He said, getting up off the bed. He pulls the robe off and gets his clothes on. "What do you wanna do today?" Caleb asked.

"Well, I wanna train my psychic powers to where they're just as strong as my sisters. That way, I can always remember her through my powers."

"Awe." He said, walking up and hugging her. "I know your sisters are gone, and I just wanna say that you will get to her level of power one of these days, and I'll make sure you do."

"Thanks, Caleb." They both hug each other and leave the room. "Where are you too going?" Lily asked. "We're going to go and train her powers to get them stronger."

"Can I come with you?" She asked. "Of course you can." Timeskip to the canyon.

"Okay, lift whatever you wanna lift." Caleb said. Fubuki immediately uses all her powers, and the ground starts cracking in front of her. The ground lifts up, and it's half the size of a town.

"HOLY SHIT YOUR ALREADY THIS STRONG!" Caleb yelled, shocked. Fubuki turns around to look at him and smiles. "It's all thanks to you, babe."

She turns her head back around to focus. The big piece of land starts cracking. Fubuki starts bleeding from her nose and eyes. She then falls to her knees, struggling Caleb runs over. "Fubuki stop you don't have to push yourself this much."

"I h-have too. I need to get at her level so I can protect this planet and y-you." Tears of blood pour out her eyes, and her hands start shaking uncontrollably. "If you wanna push yourself, then I will, too." Caleb starts using his powers. It starts cracking even more. Fubuki turns her head and sees his arms extended. "No stop your already hurt enough."

"I don't care if you're going to hurt yourself by overusing your powers, then I will too."

She immediately uses her powers to restrain him. "I'm sorry, but I have to keep you safe."

She keeps pushing herself further and further trying to destroy it. Fubuki steadily gets weaker and weaker with each second that goes by. "FUBUKI, STOP YOUR GONNA KILL YOURSELF!" Caleb yelled, scared for her own safety.

"I got to d-do this. I have to d-do it for her." She weakly said. "NO, YOU DONT YOUR NOT PROVING ANYTHING BY HURTING YOURSELF!"

"Yes, I am. I'm gonna show you that I can do this on my own, sis." Fubuki said. 'She's overwhelming her mind and body where she can't think I got to save her before she kills herself.' He thinks to himself.

Fubuki sends out a massive wave or psychic power in an attempt to break it apart she then falls to the ground unconscious. Sure enough, the big rock shattered into pieces.

Tatsumaki smiles at her in her dream. "I'm proud of you sis you've come a long way, sis. I'm truly proud of you, sis."

"T-Thanks big sis." Fubuki walks over and tries to hug her, but she passed, right through her. "What the?"

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