chapter 34 monster uprising.

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"If I can't control and end the world. Then I'll just create monsters to kill everyone on earth." God said as he snapped his finger.

Meanwhile, back on earth, Tatsumaki slowly wakes up. "Did it happen again?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Yes, but don't worry. Blast used his powers on your mind to keep him away for a while." Fubuki said. Tatsumaki's eyes widen in horror.

"G-GOD!?" Tatsumaki stuttered. "Yes, he took control of your mind. That's why we need to start making our mind resistance stronger." Fubuki said.

All of a sudden, Tatsumaki's phone starts going off she pulls it out, and answers it. "Hello, this is Tatsumaki." She said. "We need you at the associationmonstersare poppingup everywhere." Sitch said. Tatsumaki hangs up the phone.

"Who was it?" Caleb asked. "It was Sitch." Tatsumaki said.  "What did he want?" Fubuki asked. "He told me to come to the association, and their are monsters popping up everywhere."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Caleb said. Timeskip, they're almost at the association when they see dragon level monsters everywhere all the heroes are trying to fight them off.

They arrive at the association and go up to the meeting room. "Good, you're here." Sitch said his eyes widen when he sees the other two. "I didn't call you both here." He said.

"We don't care if you did or didn't were on the same level as her." Caleb said. "Okay, so, I'm sure you've seen the monsters popping up all over the city." Sitch said.

"Yes, we have." Tatsumaki said. "Well, apparently, it's not just in this city it's all over the world." Sitch said.

"So you mean the whole world is getting over run with monsters?" Tatsumaki asked. "Yes, I've sent every single hero out to help contain these monsters, but more keep popping up and their overpowering the heroes. That's why I've called you here. So you can help contain this outbreak." Sitch said.

"Alright, let's show these monsters what the three of us are made of." Tatsumaki said, and the trio took off, flying through the ceiling. All three of them fly to different areas.

Tatsumaki uses her powers to lift 5 dragon level threats up into the air and smashed them together, ripping them apart.

Fubuki jumps around at the speed of light, smashing them one by one all monster from dragon on down to wolf.

"It's about time you got here." Metalbat said to Fubuki. "Don't just stand there. Go and find more monsters." Fubuki said.

Tanktop master was getting beat into the ground by a big muscular monster. "CURSED PUNCH!" It yelled, fixing to end him when Caleb got in front of him and caught his fist. "You okay?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me." Tank top master said. "No problem, now go and help out other heroes. I'll take care of this one." Caleb said as tanktop master nods and runs off. "You really think you could beat me well? You're wrong."

"MONSTER CURSED PUNCHES!" The monster yelled, hitting Caleb repeatedly.

Caleb starts getting annoyed. "ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" He yelled, sending out a psychic shockwave sending it back.

"SERIOUS LIGHTNING SPEED PUNCH!" Caleb yelled as the monster exploded. All of a sudden, 5 big monsters surround him. "Oh, so you guys want a piece of me too well. Bring it on." Caleb said with a smirk on his face. They all charged at him.

A monster jumps in the air and hits Tatsumaki into the ground. "You're the one who's been killing all my comrades." The monster said.

Tatsumaki got up on her feet and started trying to twist him. But since she's already in a weakened state, she couldn't muster up enough power to twist him. The monster rushed at her. She summoned a barrier around herself. The monster hit her barrier repeatedly.

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