chapter 23 war

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Timeskip day 20 Fubuki and Caleb are walking along the sidewalk to the grocery store. They go and buy food they both go home. Meanwhile, at the association, "You called me here because of them?"

"Y-Yes, they both beat Tatsumaki. You we're our last hope of stopping them."

"So Tatsumaki's little sister beat her older sister?" Blast asked. "Y-Yes, she did."

"Where are they now?" Blast asked Sitch. "I believe they're back at Blizzard headquarters." Sitch said. "Okay." He said as he teleported to their home. He opens the door and walks inside, and sees both Caleb and Fubuki walking into the kitchen with groceries. He runs into the kitchen after them. "Why did you hurt your sister and other Class-S heroes?"

They both turn around, and Fubuki immediately drops the groceries. "Who are you? And what are you doing inside my house?"

"I'm Blast Class-S rank 1 hero, and I'm here to put a stop to you from hurting anymore people."

"First off, the heroes came at us because Amai mask made us beat up some heroes."

"You're lying to me. Sitch would have told me about that." Blast said. "He lied to you so he could get you to come after us."

"Whatever you say, now come with me back to the association so I can put you both back in jai."

"No, we won't go back there." Fubuki said. "Well, I guess you leave me no choice." He said, teleporting behind them. Fubuki quickly spun around and tried to hit him at lightspeed, but he just simply caught her fist. "You're pretty fast for an esper."

"CONSECUTIVE LIGHTSPEED PUNCHES!" He yelled. Blast summoned portals each time he tried to hit him. "Let's take this fight else where shall we." He said, creating a dimensional gate under them teleporting all them to a different dimension. Blast throws them back. "Now it's my turn." He said, getting behind Caleb in an instant. "GRAVITY NUCKLE!" Caleb immediately blocked it with both his arms.

The force of Blast's punch was so powerful that it shook the dimension, and it broke both his arms and all his ribs. He falls to his knees in pain, trying to breathe. Fubuki immediately gets pissed and charges at him faster than the speed of light. "SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" She yelled. Her attack caught him off guard and sent him flying. Fubuki ran over to Caleb and started healing him. Blast instantly teleported in front of her. "That was a strong attack, but you just barely put a dent in my armor.

"SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED HEADBUT!" She yelled, hitting him back with her head she quickly got don't and finished healing him.

He instantly gets behind her "DIMENSION CANNON!" It blasts her away. Caleb turns around and looks at him pissed off. "SERIOUS PUNCH!" He yelled, hitting him in the chest it sent him flying in the air, but he just simply landed on his feet and jumped forward. "GRAVITY KNUCKLE!" He yelled. Caleb barely managed to summon a psychic barrier as the attack hit the barrier it shattered, and Caleb quickly shot the web from his hand he yanked it, pulling him out the way from the attack.

He jumps up in the air. "DIMENSION DEATH SLAM!" Caleb immediately used his psychic powers on his body to help him roll out the way. The attack hit the ground, sending large cracks everywhere. Caleb gets up and gets in a fighting stance. Ready to use martial arts.

"HOMING DIMENSION CANNON!" Caleb jumped out the way. "Ha, you misse." It hit him in the back, breaking his back bone and ribs. "I admit you did good, kid, but it's time I end this." He said. "FINISHING MOVE DIMENSION DEATH CANNON!" The blast races towards him. He closes his eyes, ready for it to hit. But as soon as it was fixing to hit him, Fubuki got in the way, taking the full impact from it. It shatters her rib cage and almost makes her organs explode.

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