chapter 17 the beginning

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Caleb walks up and sees her sleeping he slowly gets out of bed and takes a fast shower. A few minutes later, he steps out and gets dressed he walks downstairs and sees Bang laid out on the floor with needles in his back he looks up and sees his brother bomb. "Good morning." he said.

"Good morning." Thry both said in unison. "Is he hurt?" Caleb asked. "No, he's just sore from yesterday."

"Oh okay anyway, did you fix breakfast?" He asked, looking towards the kitchen. "Yes, I did help yourself with whatever you want."

"Okay, I will." He walks into the kitchen and starts eating. "You know that both of them beat Tatsumaki and almost all of Class-S."

"They did?" Bomb asks. "Yes, but don't get me wrong, they struggled, but they both beat her in the end."

"Wow, that's impressive." Bomb said, shocked. "What do you think is driving them to get stronger?"

"To be honest, I think it's their love for each other." Bang said. "Why do you think that?"

"Because Tatsumaki sent down a car, it cryshed him, and it really pissed off Fubuki."

"Oh wow, yeah, you're right their love is what keeps them going." Fubuki wakes up and gets a shower. A few minutes pass, and she gets dressed she walks down the stairs. "Speaking of her there, she is."

"What about me?" She asks. "We was just talking about what drives you and Caleb both to get stronger."

"What keeps you going?" Bomb asks. "Well, Caleb keeps me going regardless if I doubt myself he keeps pushing me to go beyond my limits."

"See what did I tell you, Bomb." Bang said. "Haha," he laughed.

Fubuki walks off into the kitchen and sits down beside her lover. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." She said, starting to eat. "You know I'm really glad you helped me into who I am today." He looks at her and smiles. "Well, I had to help you get out of your selfish ways. I also didn't want to see you be controlling."

"Can I tell you about how I was in high school?" She asks. "Of course you can." He turns his whole body facing her to fully pay attention. "When I was in high school, I was really selfish and a cold-hearted person. I even sealed Psykos' powers because she was getting close to passing me in psychic power. I only cared about passing my sister. I didn't care who I hurt if anyone got in my way, I would hurt them." She then breaks down crying.

He stands up and hugs her. "Shh, it's okay." He pats her on the back she wraps her arms around his waist and cries into his shirt. "I'm s-sorry."

"Hey, there's no need to apologize." He said, tightening his hold on her. "Yes, t-their is I'm such a horrible person for what I did to Psykos and everyone around me."

"Look at me." She pulls her head back and looks up at him, still crying. "You did all of that. Yes, but that's in your past. Just look at you now. You're so much better than you were back, then don't let your past get to you. You're a good person, Fubuki, and I love you for that." Tears roll down her face, and he wipes them away. "It doesn't matter what you did in your past. You are doing so much better now. You've changed completely from who you were when I first met you."

"Thank you for saying all of that it means a lot to me."

"I know that's why I said it." He bends over and kisses her on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." They both stop hugging and finish eating.

"Awe, they really are perfect for each other." Bomb whispered. "Yeah, tell me about it."

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