chapter 2 it was a dream

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Caleb sits up in bed panting Fubuki sits up and gently starts rubbing his back.

Fubuki; "hey its okay you were dreaming"

Caleb looks at her and blushes Fubuki then notices.

Fubuki; "why is your face turning red?"

Caleb; "I uh"

He then looks away from her.

Fubuki; "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

Caleb; "I had a dream about y-you"

He looks back at her

Fubuki; "you had a dream about me?"

Caleb; "y-yeah"

Fubuki; "what was I doing in your dream"

Caleb looks away remembering the moment in the dream where they were making out.

Fubuki; "Caleb?"

He starts shaking nervously.

Caleb; "I had s-seen you changing c-clothes"

His face temperature rises and her eyes widen.

Caleb; "and you knew I was watching you so finished getting dressed and threw me into the wall yelling at me.  Lily comes in fixing to hit me because I watched you but you stopped her. You then told her to leave and to not attempt to hurt me again."

Fubuki; "what happens after that?"

Caleb; "well I uh"

He looks at the ground his heart starts pounding. Fubuki scoots over beside him.

Fubuki; "breathe it's okay take your time it's no rush"

Caleb; "well I started getting emotional you pulled me into a hug to calm me down I then hugged you back and basically from there I starting feeling your body you liked it and I pinched your nipple you moaned and I couldn't take it anymore I leaned in and kissed you. We then made out from there."

Fubuki looks away feeling super hot.

Fubuki; "oh my I forgot I needed to go ask Lily something I'll be right back."

She gets up and leaves the room. She shuts the door she then slides down the wall breathing heavil. Fubuki heart beats rapidly.

"w-why am I g-getting so worked up it's not like I haven't watched porn before or read porn comics. But when he talks about the dirty dream he had of me I just start feeling these emotions?" Fubuki whispered to herself.

Lily comes out her room and she sees her sitting against the wall.

Lily; "lady Fubuki are you okay?"

She looks up at lily still blushing and panting rapidly.

Fubuki; "y-yeah I'm f-fine"

Lily; "your clearly not your blushing and acting nervous wait did a guy ask you out on insta?"

Fubuki; "What!? No no no you got it all wrong I uh."

Lily walks up to her and sits down beside her.

Lily; "hey its okay just breathe"

She calms down and looks at lily.

Fubuki; "if I tell you the real reason why I'm acting this way promise me you won't tell anyone about this."

Lily; "I promise you have my word"

Fubuki explains what's going on.

time skip to after she's done explaining.

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