chapter 18 a day in hell

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Caleb opens his eyes and gets outta bed he grabs his newly washed clothes and goes to the bathroom. He takes all his clothes off and  gets in the shower.

Timeskip after his shower, he gets dressed. Caleb then heard a scream he immediately ran out of the bathroom and saw carnage holding her up by the throat. "LIGHTNING SPEED PUNCH!" He yelled, trying to hit him but he put her infront of him as the attack was fixing to hit her he sped around her fixing to him him but he stepped out the way and smacked her into him sending him to the wall. She got up and ran at him at lightspeed. "LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" She yelled as the attack him him through the wall. He flied through trees and other buildings, finally coming to a stop.

Fubuki turns around and helps Caleb up to his feet. "He'll be back, trust me." Carnage got up off the ground, he healed from the deadly attack that would have killed him.

He teleported back in front of them and hit her in the back of her neck with his tentacles. He inserted a chip when he did that it immediately stopped her from being able to attack him. Caleb's sees her not being able to do anything to him. "What did you do?" Caleb asked. "I took over her mind when I inserted a chip in the back of her neck." Carnage then makes Fubuki pick him up by his shirt.

"F-Fubuki?" He stuttered.  "Any last words before I make her beat you into the ground?"

"Yeah how about a fuck you." He said.  "You had your chance." He said as he made her hit him in the stomach. He gets sent flying through the wall, and he lands on his feet outside Bangs home. Fubuki walks after him. Bang runs into the room.  "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" He yelled, getting in his fighting stance.

"Looks like I get to have some fun." He started smiling. Bang jumped forward. "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" He yelled, fixing to hit him when he blocked his attack with his tentacles. Carnage then wrapped his tentacles around his ankle and started throwing him around just like he was a rag doll. He then swung him into the bed frame. Head first, a loud crack could be heard. "Hmm, I guess you weren't so strong after all."

Meanwhile, outside, "I don't want to fight you." Caleb said. "Well, too bad." She said as she jumped forward. "LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" He dodges and wraps his arms around her waist. "B-Baby, please come back." He said as tears rolled down his face.

"LET GO OF ME!" She yelled at him, but he kept holding on he burst out in tears. She then kicked him off her, and it sent him back a few feet. She ran at him. "SERIOUS LIGHTSPEED PUNCH!" She yelled he put up both his arms, and he blocked it, but it broke his left forearm. "GAHHHH!" He screamed in pain, holding his broken forearm stepping back from her.

"What's wrong am I to strong for you?" She asked. He looked up at her with rage in his eyes. "I guess I have no choice but to fight you at full power."

"Come on, bring it weak, boy." She said as he got in front of her at lightning speed. His veins start showing all over his body. "CONSECUTIVE LIGHTNING SPEED PUNCHES!"  He yelled, throwing multiple powerful punches at her she dodges a few of them, but one hits her in the chest, and blood comes out of her mouth. "That was a strong attack, but I can do better." She said as she got in front of him. "CONSECUTIVE LIGHTSPEED PUNCHES!" All her fists hit him it pushes him back. All Caleb's bones in his chest get broken he then falls to his knees as blood starts staining his shirt. He holds himself up with his hand on the ground.

She walks up to him. "You had a good run, but it's time I finish you off for good." She said as she rares her fist back. Caleb's muscles tighten he looks up mad. He stands up at light speed. "GET OUT OF HER HEAD!!!" He yelled, smacking her fist away as he hit her in the jaw. Her jaw breaks due to how much power he used. She stumbles back, feeling her jaw she starts smiling. "Looks like you were holding back after all." She said as she jumped forward. "CONSECUTIVE SERIOUS  LIGHTSPEED PUNCHES!" She yelled, her attack fixing to hit as Caleb started using his martial arts, deflecting all her fists away from him.  "WHEN I FINISH YOU OFF ILL KILL EVERYONE YOU'VE EVER KNOWN!" She yelled.

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