chapter 25 counseling

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Timeskip to when they get home Caleb walks up the stairs sad. "What's wrong with him?" Lily asked, concerned. "He was being raped by Psykos."

"Oh my god, is he gonna be okay?" Lily asked. "Eventually, he will now. If you excuse me, I have to go be there for my boyfriend."

Fubuki walks up the stairs and into her room she sees him lying on the bed covered up. She shuts the door and walks over to him. She then sits down beside him, and she starts rubbing his back. "I'm sorry you had to go through that baby."

He breaks down crying. "Sh, it's okay. I'm here." She said, leaning over and hugging him. "It's alright, let it all out."

"I feel... W-Worthless, I feel ashamed." She pats his back. "I know, baby, I feel what you're going through, but don't worry, I'll help you get through this."

"I wish I never came here." He said, crying his heart out. "You don't mean that, do you?"

"I mean it. I wish I never came here." He said, glancing up at her. "If you never came here, you wouldn't have got with me. You're saying it like i dont mean anything to you."

"F-Fubuki, you do mean a lot to me it's just that bad shit always happens to me. Ever since I came here, I don't think I can deal with it much longer."

She rolls him over so she can look into his eyes. "Caleb, I believe you can handle it. You're a strong minded person. Don't let it bother you she can't do anything to you anymore and yes I know what she did was fucked up but don't let it get to you. I know it's gonna be hard to get through what you're going through, but I believe you can overcome it." She said, giving him a heartwarming smile.

He sits up and hugs her. "I don't know what I would do without you in my life. Thank you, Fubuki." He said, starting to cry.

She wraps her arms back around him. "It's okay, I'm always gonna be here for you, my king." He blushes at her words. He continues to crying into her shoulder.

Timeskip 5 minutes of crying and holding later.

"I feel better now, thank you." She let's go of him. "I'm glad you do, baby."

Meanwhile, with Psykos.

"Aha found it." The symbiotes go into her blood stream and take over her blood. "Woah, this feels amazing." Psykos said. "I know when I first got it I felt the same way now. Let's go and cause chaos."

Timeskip to when she arrives.

She rips the door open and flys inside.  "PSYKOS WHAT THE HEL-." Was all Lily could say as Psykos sent a tentacle out hitting her to the wall.

Both Caleb and Fubuki get up and run down the stairs. "What the hell was that?" Fubuki stops walking when she sees Psykos.

"You miss me?" Carnage speaks through Psykos mouth. Both their eyes widen in pure horror.

"Looks like you did." He said, sending multiple tentacles at them. Caleb gets in front of her and deflected all of them away. But what he didn't expect was a TV flying up fixing to hit him. When Fubuki reaches her arm over his shoulder and catches the corner of the TV, stopping it from hitting him.

His eyes widen, in shock. "We'll look's like your girlfriend still has good reflexes, unlike you."

He said, slamming the ground with his tentacles it sends the ground flying up racing towards them. Fubuki quickly grabs his him by his collar and jumps in the air, dodging the attack. She had dug her hand into the ceiling, stopping them from falling back down.

"Impressive, but let's see if you can dodge this." He said using Psykos power, sending the roof down, making them fall, as they were fixing to hit the ground, he sent his tentacles at them. Fubuki quickly pulled him closer and spinned around, slapping all the tentacles away. She immediately put him down on the steps. "Stay here. I'll finish him off."

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