chapter 27 a day to remember

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Caleb opens his eyes and gets up out of bed, heading downstairs. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" Tatsumaki asked. "I actually slept really well." 

"That's good." Tatsumaki said. "Did you fix breakfast?" Caleb asked. "Yes, I did help yourself to whatever you want." She said. "I will, thanks." He walks into the kitchen and starts fixing 2 plates of food. After he gets done fixing it, he walks back with two plates in his hands. "Are you that hungry? You have to get 2 plates of food."

"No, im bringing Fubuki some food. I know she's gonna be sore, and she's not gonna want to get out of bed." Caleb said, walking upstairs.

'He sure does know how to take care of his lover.' Caleb went inside the room and walked over, sitting the food down. "Fubuki, it's time to wake up." He touched her all of a sudden they both vanished.

A few minutes went by Tatsumaki, walked up the stairs, and into their room she expected Fubuki and Caleb to be eating, but what she saw showed it all.

"SIS CALEB WHERE ARE YOU?" She yelled, trying to get them to respond, but it's no use.

Meanwhile, in Omegaknight14, the book is called Spiderman and spiderblizzard.

"Get out the way." Caleb said, pushing the heroes apart with his esper powers. He holds Fubuki's arm over his shoulder, and she limps with each step she takes. Caleb then gets closer he pushes the crowd of people apart, and he then walks in between the main character, the 3 Spiderman. Saitama, Tatsumaki, and venom. "F-Fubuki?"

Caleb said, stuttering. Spiderblizzard lifts her head to look up at who calls her name her eyes widen when she sees the duo. Everyone's eyes widen at seeing two Fubuki's.

Caleb walks up and gets on his knees in front of her. He then hugs her, and he starts to cry. "It's okay. I g-got y-you." He said, holding her in his arms. Fubuki looks up and sees Spiderman impaled by steel rods.

"I c-cant do this. My little spider is gone." Spider-blizzard said, crying. "I know how you feel. I know it's hard losing him, but I'll help you through this." She starts crying into his shoulder, letting the dam of tears go. "T-Thank you." She tightens her arms around him even more.

Nobody could say a single word because of how shocked they were. "If it's possible, I'll find a way to bring him back to you." Caleb said.

Spiderblizzard pulls her head back to look into his eyes. "You w-would really do that for m-me?" She asked with tears rolling down her face. "Yes, I would. It breaks my heart to see another person die that I care about."

"Y-You cared about h-him?" She asked. "Of course I do. I grew attached to him in a way the same way I'm attached to you."

"Do you like her more than me?" Fubuki asked, starting to get angry. "What no no no you got it all wrong. Come here, I'll show you." She crawls over Caleb, then kisses her forhead images pop into her head. "Oh my god, you're right. I'm sorry for getting jealous."

"It's okay." Spider-blizzard looks back at Spiderman and sighs. "Can you try to bring him back right now?" Spider-blizzard asked. "I can try." Caleb lets her go and stands up he then walks over to Spiderman. Caleb pulls him off the metal beams and gently lays him on the ground.

"What the hell is he doing to our Spiderman?" The crowd mumbled to their selves. Tatsumaki instantly uses her powers to restrain Caleb. Fubuki immediately looks at Tatsumaki. "Hey, let him go he's trying to help."

"It doesn't look like he's trying to help." Tatsumaki said. Spiderblizzard looks over at Tatsumaki. "You can let him go. I trust him." Tatsumaki, let's go of him. Caleb starts using his psychic energy to heal him. His wounds heal up, but it doesn't bring his soul back. "Dammit, that didn't work." Caleb starts pacing back and forth.

Fubuki struggles to get up to her feet. Spiderblizzard starts to cry again. Fubuki walks over to her and pats her on the head. "It's okay he'll figure out another way to bring him back, I'm sure of it."

Spiderblizzard looks up and sighs. "I know how you feel. I've been there before I've seen Caleb die a couple of times."

Her eyes widen in disbelief. "You h-have?" She asked. "Yes, I have, and I had to sacrifice my psychic powers to bring him back."

"Wait, you can do that?" She asked, curious. "I think so it worked for him, but I don't know if it would work for Spiderman."

"Can you try it?" She asked. "I would if I had any psychic energy left. I used it all up yesterday."

"Dammit." Spider-blizzard said. "Caleb can try tho he's a esper." Her eyes widen. "Hey baby, try to sacrifice your esper powers to bring him back."

"Good idea." Caleb gets on his knees in front of him. He starts using his powers and starts sacrificing his power to try and bring him back his power starts draining rapidly. Spidermans eyes open, he then grabs his throat and stands up. "S-Stop I was healing you."

"Yeah, right, like I would believe you carnage." He rares his fist back, fixing to hit him. "WAIT, STOP DONT DO IT!" Spider-blizzard yelled. Spiderman instantly looks over and sees her, but his eyes widen when he sees two of her. "Ugh, I must be messed up. I'm seeing two of you."

"You're not seeing things there are actually two of us, but she's from a different universe."

"Hang on, hang on. If she's from a different universe, then who is he?" He asked, confused. "That's Caleb he's with her." He instantly drops him. "Oh my god, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you."

"It's okay. You didn't know what I looked like." He said, getting up off the ground. "Wait, NO, MY FAMILY!" He falls to his knees, remembering them in heaven. "Shit, I didn't think of the consequences. I'm sorry."

Spiderman turns to look at him pissed off. "You bastard why did you have to bring me back? I was happy to be reunited with them."

"I'm sorry I didn't think about that. I'm sorry." He said, backing away from him. Spiderman stands up. "Why did you have to bring me back I was finally pain free."

"He brought you back because I wanted him too I'm sorry if I hurt you're feelings im sorry." Spider-blizzard looks down starting to feel bad. Spiderman turns his head to look at her he sees her starting to cry. He runs over and hugs her. "It's okay don't cry I'm not mad at you I was just a little disappointed that's all."

"So you weren't mad at me?" She asked. "No of course not my little esper."

She blushes at him calling her that. Spiderman turns his head to look at Caleb.

"Thank you, calendar im sorry if i over reacted." Spiderman said. "You're welcome and its caleb, not calendar."

Spiderblizzard smiles. "Thank you, Caleb, for bringing him back."

"You're welcome." his words were cut short as him and Fubuki disappeared back.

"Wow just wow." Tatsumaki said shocked. 

End of chapter 27

I had to give this a happy ending I needed to I couldn't resist

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